Read through Constipation Remedies - Biofeedback, Probiotics, and Acupressure a lot more

We need to make regular bowel movements ideally one or even twice per day to help eliminate wastes and keep our bodies in balance. Constipation is the disruption of natural bowel movements and can affect most people at one time or another. There are many reasons for constipation and many constipation remedies which are very effective at treating this problem. We'll discuss a few interesting therapies which have good results.

1. Biofeedback - Biofeedback therapy seems to help people who suffer from constipation caused by pelvic floor dysfunction. This is a condition where the pelvic floor muscles do not function properly and can be caused by obesity, an enlarged prostate, or can occur after childbirth.

Biofeedback techniques are used to teach the patient how to use his/her muscles more effectively to defaecate and relieve the constipation symptoms. In a number of studies, it has been found that 70% of the patients have found good relief.

The tests which have been conducted compared biofeedback training where the patient had one session per week for weeks against laxatives. All these patients had previously tried fiber supplements as well as enemas or suppositories with minimal success.

After six months of training, it was found that the biofeedback sessions were more effective than the laxative. These benefits lasted for at least two years following treatment.

2. Probiotics is another remedy which has good results. Probiotics which includes the organism called lactobacillus acidophilus are naturally present in the digestive tract. There is some good evidence that the probiotic supplements may improve constipation.

In one study, a probiotic drink resulted in significant improvement in the severity of constipation and stool consistency. However it has not been equally effective for all patients. In another study in children, the results showed minimal to no improvement.

3. Acupressure - This ancient healing practice involves the application of finger pressure to specific points on the body.

Acupressure has been used to successfully treat constipation by applying pressure to the large intestine 4 point. You can find acupressure techniques which can be done from home by searching on the Internet. Just be careful and follow the directions exactly. Don't continue with the technique if there is any pain or discomfort and these methods should not be used on pregnant women.

4. Magnesium - A lack of this mineral has been shown to lead to constipation. The good news is that you can take in healthy levels of this important mineral by eating lots of green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

You can also take magnesium as a convenient supplement. Magnesium is needed to help enhance normal muscle function including intestinal muscles. So be sure to maintain healthy levels of this mineral in your body and you may avoid symptoms of constipation.

Constipation Cure

Learn more about constipation home remedies [] and natural treatments by visiting our website, [] today!

Constipation Remedies - Biofeedback, Probiotics, and Acupressure

Constipation Cure

Read through Constipation Remedies That Work Within Hours much more

Have you been suffering from constipation? This particular condition can be undoubtedly a painful practical experience and in this short article I will go through a couple of common constipation remedies which will definitely help you eliminate the awkward symptoms within 6 to 12 hours.

Short Term Use of Natural and Effective Stimulant Laxatives

You can find several different types of stimulant laxatives on the market today which would provide rapid relief. Stimulant laxatives work by - just as the name suggests - stimulating the small intestine muscles to excrete its contents a lot faster. They deliver the results by enhancing the level of water within the colon and also by suppressing the quantity of water utilized by the small intestine. They usually are present in natural substances, such as aloe vera, senna leaves or castor oil.

When considering using laxatives, please talk to a doctor first and even if you don't, limit the intake of them. They can work incredibly well at the beginning, however, prolonged use can result in adverse effects in many ways. The efficiency of these substances can give you dehydration and also diarrhea. Digestive tract cramping pains as a result of extended use can bring about even more problems, including intestinal tract damages, therefore always be careful with them.

10 Glasses of Water a Day

If you take senna or castor oil and you manage to get initial relief, in order to maintain bowel regularity it is advised to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water. Everyone knows this and I am the first to say that it is easier said than done, but do we really do it? If you are prone to bowel irregularity, in fact I would definitely aim to drink at least 10 glasses of water daily just to be on the safe side. Being sure to drink a single glass of filtered or mineral, room temperature water is going to without a doubt help detox your whole body. Try it!

Constipation Cure

There are other effective ways to relieve your constipation, which I would like to sher with you at my holistic healing site. Please visit Constipation Remedies for help and advice.

Constipation Remedies That Work Within Hours

Constipation Cure

Study How to Cure Constipation? 5 Simple Steps For Curing Constipation a lot more

A popular question that many people have revolves around the subject of how to cure constipation. The answer to this question can be addressed in five simple steps:

Step 1: Change your eating habits: If you are having problems with hard stools it is probably due to what you are eating or what you are not eating. If you are consuming a lot of foods that cause the excessive binding of your stools like milk, ice cream, cheese, fast foods, and foods low in fiber, then you are contributing to the issues you have with constipation and you will want to limit the latter foods so that you can cure the problem. If you are not getting an adequate intake of fiber filled foods, again, you are perpetuating your condition and you should increase your natural fiber intake by consuming vegetables, fruits, and whole grain food selections.

Step 2: Start exercising regularly: If you are one of many people that are living a sedentary lifestyle, you could actually be causing your constipation. When your metabolic rate diminishes, everything in your body slows down. Even the way you process and digest food will be slowed: this leads to food remaining inside the stomach and intestines for long periods where it can become hard and difficult to pass.

Step 3: Get more water in your system: You will need to hydrate yourself better if you are battling constipation. Often times, constipation is caused by stools that lack enough liquid in them to make them easier to pass. Get your necessary intake of water and diminish constipation issues fast.

Step 4: Check out alternative remedies: Check out the myriad herbal treatments for constipation and talk to your doctor about trying them. There are numerous herbs that can be consumed safely for constipation relief that offer fewer side effects than traditional medicine.

Step 5: Try over the counter treatments: Try a laxative or an enema if constipation is severe. Both forms of treatment are inexpensive. You will also find many over-the-counter treatments that are fast acting.

Constipation Cure

Now, that you have a better idea of exactly how to cure constipation it is time to take things to another level. It is time to learn more in-depth details about the foods that cause constipation. The reason this is so important is that many people find that their problems with constipation go away totally if they just change there eating habits. To claim a free report of these problem foods, visit the following website now.

How to Cure Constipation? 5 Simple Steps For Curing Constipation

Constipation Cure

Study Constipation Remedies - Fix Your Diet Today much more

In broad terms, the most effective forms of constipation remedies are usually those that require the smallest changes. In those patients who only suffer from mild constipation symptoms, something as simple as changing what you eat on a daily basis, as well as implementing daily exercise, can go a long way to help relieve any pain and discomfort that arises from constipation.

It is critically important that there is enough fiber in your diet. Dietary fiber is a key player in ensuring a healthy digestive system, as it helps move food through the gastrointestinal tract, as well as changing the chemistry of its contents - something that is usually out of balance in constipation sufferers. However, it is very easy to get enough fiber in your diet - the words 'fresh' and 'from the ground' come to mind. Try to have at least two servings of fruit per day, as well as five servings of vegetables - all in all we are aiming for around 25g of fiber every day. Some good examples of fiber rich foods are: broccoli, lettuces, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, brown rice, wholemeal breads and pastas, strawberries, apples and pears. For a more extensive list of fiber rich foods, please see your nutritional specialist, who can further help you devise a diet to combat your constipation symptoms.

The other key player in the diet category is water. Put simple, many people do not drink enough water on a daily basis, which can lead to numerous health complaints, including, of course, constipation. It is vital that you drink at least 1.5 to 2 L of water every day - factors such as body weight and activity level may alter this slightly. Water is a critical to all constipation remedies, as it joins to dietary fiber in the gastrointestinal tract, allowing fiber to do its job of flushing out the digestive system, helping to control constipation symptoms. To help you ensure that you drink enough water every day, try taking a 500ml water bottle around with during the day, and remember to fill it up the necessary number of times. Sometimes, just increasing the sheer volume of water ingested on a daily basis is enough to relieve constipation... as well as improving numerous other aspects of health and well being!

Similarly, the efficacy of exercise as a constipation remedies cannot go understated, as it allows digested food to move through the body quicker, limiting the volume of water that the body absorbs from the food in the process. For the average person, 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise (such as walking the dog, swimming, jump rope) is enough to aid constipation symptoms - and again, you'll probably find you feel healthier overall. It's also easy to incorporate exercise during your day to day activities: walk to places instead of driving, nix the elevator and take the stairs, it's all so simple!

However, for more severe cases of constipation, where it seems that changes to diet and exercise do not alleviate the constipation symptoms, more drastic constipation remedies must be undertaken. Please, do not hesitate to see your local GP, who has the expertise to prescribe you medical supplements to help you regain your personal freedom.

Constipation Cure

Kim Hanna is a nutrition specialist and online product marketer. When he's not working with clients he's making web pages such as weights for sale [] and olympic weights for sale [].

Constipation Remedies - Fix Your Diet Today

Constipation Cure

Study Natural Constipation Remedies For You much more

Constipation Cure

Constipation, also known as lack of regular bowel movements, is a condition that causes extreme pain and discomfort. Thus, you can't blame those people who are often looking for constipation remedies to use for pain relief. Medically, constipation is not a sole medical condition; rather, it signals other medical conditions. Because of the pain and discomfort it causes, different constipation remedies are made available in the market, but still medical experts suggest dealing first with the root cause of constipation. For information purposes, this article will still give you some of the most common constipation remedies used to get over constipation.

When the movement of food through the large intestine slows down or stops, constipation develops. Medical research said that more water is absorbed from the food we eat as it sets in the large intestine. The result is drier and harder to push out stool. The slowing down of the digestive process is said to be caused by certain illnesses, medication intake, and changes in the diet.

It is a healthy idea to treat the constipation symptom with the use of constipation remedies while treating the medical condition causing constipation. The same is true if you are under constipation-inducing medications. Nevertheless, you can continue with the medications while simultaneously treating the symptoms of constipation, as long as you use the natural remedies.

Natural Constipation Remedies:

It is easy to understand the importance of natural constipation remedies; thus, you need to read on to know the different options for you.

1. Make a Shift in your Diet

Shifting your diet into one that is rich in fruits and vegetables such as carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables, prunes, and oranges is perhaps one of the best natural constipation remedies you can do to get rid of constipation. By doing so, you are supplying your body with an adequate amount of fibers and roughage thereby it a lot easier to defecate.

2. Take Vitamins and Minerals Supplements

Vitamin and mineral supplements such as apple pectin, folic acid, magnesium, and vitamin C are some of the most effective constipation remedies for getting rid of constipation. Apple pectin for example has the ability to supply the body with an adequate amount of fibers and roughage; thus, the function of the digestive system is balanced. Lack of folic acid is said to cause constipation or irregular bowel movement; thus, increase intake of folic acid supplement can prevent or even eliminate constipation. One of the best properties of magnesium is its ability to give moist to the stool, making defecation easier. Finally, Vitamin C is an immune system booster. It allows the body to fight off diseases including those that can cause constipation.

3. Drink Water

Water is the best and most effective among all natural constipation remedies out there. Water offers a lot of benefits, one of which is keeping the stools moist and soft. Additionally, water can keep the body hydrated; making the bodily organs function better.

You can choose from a great deal of constipation remedies out there but natural is always the best. You should also not forget that other illnesses can be signaled by constipation; thus, it is still better to seek medical advice to make sure that no serious condition is causing your constipation.

If you're looking for a comprehensive guide on constipation remedies [], then make sure to visit []

Natural Constipation Remedies For You

Read Constipation Help - Helpful Tips For Constipation Treatment far more

Got constipation? Well most of us do once in a while for some and frequently for others. In this article we'll look at how you can get all the constipation help you'd probably need. While this is not all inclusive in itself, you can consort other sources for all the constipation help you might need. Most people who suffer from it will tell that it is one of the most uncomfortable experiences they've had. There are various reasons and causes of constipation:

1.Consumption of fast foods and foods that lack lots of fiber.

This is the single major reason behind most occurrences of constipation. Because we live in an "instant" age, fast foods have become the order of the day. People just don't know what it is to eat healthily. As long as you can grab some sandwich, burger or fried chicken and the stomach feels full, everything's settled. As a result, foods are not readily digested. All the fiber necessary to stimulate bowel movement are almost non-existent.

2. Inadequate fluid intake.

People don't drink fluids these days -at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Hence, when the feces gets to the rectum, the little moisture remaining in it is absorbed by the rectum. Because stooling requires moisture to enable the easy passage, it becomes hard to freely pass stool. That's why there is a lot of straining to get eliminate the waste.

3. Leading a sedentary life.

People who don't take care of themselves physically, tend to easily become constipated as a result of the fact they are not involved in any sort of exercise. One of the very first recommendations for those who need constipation help is exercise. The fact that you move around would improve your bowel movements and hasten the relief. Pregnant women also suffer from constipation as a result of a change in hormonal balance in the body and also because of the pressure of the now occupied uterus on the intestine. Since you have read some of the causes, it would be better if we moved so you can get all help you need:

4. Eat lots of Fiber

Dietary fiber which is also known as bulk forming laxatives is gotten from the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The easiest way to incorporate this into your lifestyle is by increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cutting down on the excess of dairy and meat products. In some cases however, some individuals may find it hard to cope with the bulk of fruits needed. When this occurs, it is best that fiber supplements such as wheat bran, oat bran, psyllium seeds be added to the daily diet. To make this routine easier, when you have the itch to grab a snack, pick a fruit instead and you're on your way to relief. The only downside to this method is if the patient has strictures and adhesions. In this circumstance, it is advisable to consult a physician before getting on in the treatment. Also, some fibers have sugar; as a result, diabetic patients cannot take such. When this occurs, it is best that the patient gets sugar-free fibers. Fibers should not be taken in large quantities suddenly. Small quantities are best for starting. Then, it can gradually increase if the patient finds it necessary. A space of one week is adequate for each phase of increase in fiber content. Sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, Citrucel, Konsyl Fiber, Maltsupex etc.

The method mentioned above could take quite a few days before you can start seeing results. However, there is a quick solution. You can treat your constipation in just 24 hrs and be totally free. Click here to cure your constipation in just 24 hrs or for all forms of constipation cures.

Constipation Help - Helpful Tips For Constipation Treatment


Study How to Relieve Constipation extra


Believe it or not there are natural, food remedies to relieve constipation. Simple changes in your diet can reduce your symptoms of constipation. The changes will also help your overall digestive health.

Lack of fiber is one of the biggest reasons to be experiencing constipation. Most modern diets are lacking in fiber rich foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. So many people depend on pre-made meals and fast food. Restaurants don't have the necessary fiber either. The first step in your diet change is easy, include fiber rich foods.

Fiber is not just good for constipation, it can prevent hemorrhoids and reduce cholesterol. Dietary fiber is the plant materials that aren't digested in the intestines. Fiber is what helps the water bind to your food to make your stool easier to pass.

Where is the fiber? The amount of natural fiber varies in the foods we eat. Berries are at the top of the list;raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, the comes rye, broccoli, green beans, apples, stone ground whole wheat, nuts and turnip greens.

Including more fresh food in your diet is crucial. Read the nutrition facts on packaged materials to see just how much fiber you are actually getting. For an average adult, you should be eating 25-30 grams of fiber a day.

You also may be constipated because your intestines are lacking in friendly bacteria. Foods are broken down by the enzymes and friendly bacteria in your small intestine. If you have taken antibiotics, it may have killed off your friendly bacterias, ergo slowing the process and leading to constipation. Some foods relieve your symptoms as well as replenish the friendly bacteria. For example; miso, yogurt, dark greens or alfalfa greens will help your digestive system. Other products that build friendly bacteria are kefir, wheat grass products and micro algae.

Here you can find quality info on how to relieve constipation [], on natural remedies for constipation []

How to Relieve Constipation

Read through Six Smoothie Recipes For Constipation and Acne Relief a lot more

Six Smoothie Recipes For Constipation and Acne Relief


I recommend drinking a morning smoothie if you have constipation or if you have skin problems like acne. Drinking a high fiber smoothie relieves and prevents constipation. It will also provide the nutrients that are necessary for having or keeping a nice clean and smooth skin.

So, here are the six smoothie recipes you can blend.

* Apple Smoothie
* Apple-Barley Smoothie
* Apricot Smoothie
* Peach-Rice Dream Smoothie
* Pineapple Smoothie
* Strawberry Smoothie

Apple Smoothie

Mix in the blender the following.

1-2 small apples cut into wedges
1 banana
1 cup 50:50 rice dream: almond milk
¼ cup or less of raisins soaked overnight
1-teaspoon honey
1-2 cubes of ice
1-teaspoon lecithin granules
2 tablespoons flax seed oil

Start by mixing the banana and the liquids. Then add slices of apples to get the consistency you like. In all of your smoothies add flax seed oil for nice smooth skin. I also add a tablespoon of flax seed straight into the blender and the blender will chop them up.
Apple-Barley Smoothie

Mix in the blender the following.

1 cup of sliced apples with peel
1/2 cup of cooked barley
1/4 cup of soaked raisins
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla flavoring
1-1 ½ cup of 50:50 rice dream: almond milk
1-teaspoon lecithin granules
2 Tablespoons flax seed oil

Make sure you use the lecithin granules in these smoothies since lecithin helps to breakdown the flax oil into tiny droplets and makes it more digestible.

Apricot Smoothie

One cup of fresh apricots or dried apricots that were soaked overnight
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
Two oz. of prune juice
One teaspoon or more of oat ban
One teaspoon of mineral whey
One tablespoon of flax seed oil
One tablespoon of lecithin granules

Add a slight amount of distilled water or ice cubes to make the consistency to your liking. This smoothie is good for constipation and acne.

Peach-Rice Dream Smoothie

Mix in the blender:

2 fresh peaches with peel
1-cup rice dream
1/2 banana
1-teaspoon sesame seeds
1-teaspoon sunflower seed
1-tablespoon lecithin granules
2 tablespoons flax seed oil

In place of rice dream you can use almond milk. I now only use almond milk to make my smoothies. Place all of the seeds straight into the blender. This smoothie has plenty of fiber. You may want to increase the amount of sesame and sunflower seeds.

Pineapple Smoothie

Mix the following in a blender.

1-2 cups of fresh pineapples
1/2 cups apple slices
1/4-cup fresh apple juice
1/2-cup almond milk (more or less as needed)
1 banana
1-tablespoon lecithin
2-tablespoons flax seeds
2 teaspoons bran (wheat, oat or rice)

You can add more lecithin if you like. Lecithin does not have a taste. This smoothie is jam packed with fiber.

Strawberry Smoothie

Mix in a blender the following ingredients.

1 banana
1-tablespoon of lecithin granules
1-teaspoon of any type of bran
1 cup or more 50:50 rice dream: almond milk
Now add strawberries one by one with the blender on until you get the consistency you like.
1-tablespoon flax seeds
1 or 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
1-teaspoon sesame seeds
1 tablespoon of flax seed oil

You can add liquid minerals or vitamins to these smoothies and give them an additional nutritional value.

There you have the smoothies that I make. Start making and drinking them and see the health benefits that you'll get.

Here's a great free deal...go get a free copy of Smoothie for great skin then go get information on how to get rid of acne here: Relieve Acne

Understand Is There A "Best" Cure For Constipation? far more

Constipation Cure

There are many proposed cures for constipation, but is there really a best cure for constipation? Out of the bunch can any one method be singled out as a surefire cure for digestive troubles? There are both advantages and disadvantages to the various cures for constipation.

One of the common methods to cure constipation is to change your diet. The standard Western diet includes too many processed foods and too little nutrients. An absence of fiber in the diet can contribute to constipation as well as an increase in water intake. These dietary changes are the most natural, least invasive and least expensive. However, fiber and water might not help with chronic constipation. Many people increase fiber and water in their diet only to find out that they still have trouble from time to time. If this method is unreliable, it shouldn't be considered.

Some people think laxatives are good and easy for constipation. Laxatives work in a few different ways. Some bulk the stool and help your intestines retain water. Others stimulate bowel contractions by irritating nerve endings in the intestines. There are herbal laxatives and man made laxatives. The biggest problem with laxatives is that people can become dependent on them for bowel movements. If you don't treat the core cause of constipation, you'll have to use laxatives again and again to gain relief from the symptoms. Some people have actually become addicted to laxatives and permanently affected their ability to have bowel movements naturally.

Laxatives can also cause side effects that are more uncomfortable than the constipation itself. Depending on the type of laxative you use, you might experience everything from excess gas to nausea and headaches. Some other common symptoms are intestinal cramps, feeling lightheaded, migraines, bloating and diarrhea. These side effects definitely take laxatives out of the running for the best cure for constipation.

Prescription drugs seemed like welcome relief for people suffering from chronic constipation. These drugs created bowel movements by effecting chemicals in your intestines to create bowel contractions. They were intended to regulate bowel movements and help people overcome chronic constipation. However, prescription drugs are far from being the best cure for chronic constipation. Their side effects include migraines, nausea, diarrhea and dry mouth, just to name a few.

The bad news is that most conventional methods for constipation relief don't treat the underlying cause of constipation. The good news is that cures for constipation do exists. They should treat the root causes, instead of just the symptoms.

Discover the incredible constipation cure the medical industry doesn't want you to know about at These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have already helped hundreds of constipation sufferers to treat constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out the constipation treatment that truly works by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.

Is There A "Best" Cure For Constipation?

Constipation Cure

Understand Constipated? How to Cure Constipation far more

Constipation is something that we all can suffer from at some stage in our lives. In fact 95% of all adult American's suffer from Constipation at least once. Being Constipated is a frustrating, painful experience that can also lead to further more severe health complications. Finding the right Constipation Remedy for you and finding a Constipation Remedy Fast is paramount to curing the problem.

In order to find the right Constipation remedy you must take a closer look at your lifestyle where a close analysis will often lead to discovery of the problem. It is important to remember that being Constipated is not a disease but is a symptom of some other problem.

The first place you need to look is your diet habits. Do you take enough fiber on board? Fiber is essential in order to help your digestive system. Fibre is essential for healthy bowel function. Fibre absorbs water and swells to become bulky, and helps the speedy and easy elimination of waste from the body. In this way a high fibre diet can cure or prevent problems such as Constipation.

Secondly is your body getting enough fluids. Eating plenty of Fiber may not necessarily stop you from being Constipated because ensuring you have enough water in your system is of paramount importance. When waste products from the digestive process are passing through the large intestine they are turned into stools.The large intestine absorbs water from the stools turning them into very hard stools and making it difficult for them to be passed through the rectum and anus. Ensuring that you are fully hydrated and drinking lots of water is essential in aiding the passing of stools from your body as the stools become softer and easier to pass.

Thirdly it has been proven that exercise is of vital importance in maintaining a health digestive system and in ensuring you stay free from being Constipated. Walking daily or engaging in low impact aerobic activities such as swimming strengthens the muscles of the intestines and helps to push the waste products through your system.

The majority of people who suffer from Constipation tend to rely on laxatives to cure the problem. However one of the causes of Constipation can be from using too many laxatives as the body becomes immune to them. Other medications can have the side affects of causing you to become Constipated.

To find out my recommended Constipation Cure please take a couple of minutes and check out for some excellent information on this important topic.

Constipated? How to Cure Constipation


Study Prevent Constipation a lot more

Anybody who has had to deal with pain caused by constipation will agree that it is a highly uncomfortable feeling that effects you throughout the day. In severe cases, the pain can become acute. Constipation can occur to anyone, from newborns, to the elderly, and everywhere in between.

While there are medicines available that will help quickly cure the gas, bloating, and pain of constipation, these medicines can also be unpredictable and cause a new set of problems that may leave you stuck with in arms distance of a bathroom.

Like with many other physical ailments, it can be argued that the best offense is a good defense; and by that I mean trying to prevent constipation from ever occurring.

For good health in general watching the foods you eat is a good idea, but this natural remedy is not about what you eat, but what you drink. Drinking adequate amounts of water are a key factor to help prevent constipation.

Water, Juice (Prune juice is an ideal choice), and Tea can all help. Coffee can help in certain cases as the caffeine gives you body a jolt that often times will be solution, though coffee can also leave your body dehydrated. Soda is a bad idea to drink in general, let along when trying to prevent constipation. The gas of any carbonated beverage will only add to the problem.

I have talked with many who do not like to drink water, and rightfully claim that Juice has a lot of unwanted sugars. Tea is a very good idea in this case. There are many types of tea to drink, though I personally recommend Lemongrass tea when trying to prevent constipation. It tastes like lemons, it aides your digestion, you can drink it hot as well as iced (using little to no sugar depending on how you like it), and it is highly refreshing. You can make a pitcher with 1 or 2 tea bags, which will last for 2 or 3 days, maybe even longer. Most importantly, the added hydration will help you body's digestive system run smoothly, helping to prevent constipation.


This article, along with other tips and motivation for living a healthy lifestyle can be found at the Sabaidi Health Blog []

Prevent Constipation
