Go through Cure Constipation - Lose Weight far more

Constipation is one of the leading causes of weight gain. It can be caused by a number of different things, including lack of exercise, excess intake of processed foods, dehydration, and lack of fiber in the diet. If you have constipation, it is absolutely critical that you learn to get yourself regular before attempting to lose weight. Not only will this dramatically speed up your weight loss, but it will ensure that your weight loss does not bounce right back and make you heavier than before. One of the greatest ways to lose weight and stay disease free, healthy and energetic is to remain regular. So how can we cure constipation naturally?

Dangers of Laxatives

First, a dangerous misconception is that taking laxatives is a quick way to cure constipation and an easy way to shed excess pounds. This is literally the exact opposite thing that should be done. Taking laxatives does not solve any problems within the body. In fact, it actually allows you to go on your merry way thinking everything is A-ok until one day your body just breaks down. Laxatives do not allow the body to work properly and thus the body becomes addicted to the laxative, needing more and more each time they are used. The body becomes incredibly dehydrated due to excess water loss because of laxative overuse.

Better Hydration for Fat Loss

Maintaining proper hydration is essential for fat loss. Proper hydration allows the body to mobilize fat far more efficiently than a body that is chronically dehydrated. Without proper hydration the body cannot dispel toxins and excess minerals like salt that cause water retention (making you look fat, even if you are in shape). Dehydration can cause bloat, dangerous mineral deposits in the joints (causing pain and stiffness) and lead to toxins being reabsorbed back into the body because they cannot be eliminated properly.

Excess Intake of Processed Foods Leas to Weight Gain

Processed foods are loaded with empty calories, synthetic ingredients, sodium, bad fat, high fructose corn syrup and sugar, all of which are almost sure to lead to weight gain. The combination of any of these items causes the food items to stick in the arteries, the intestines, and slow down the metabolism. Simply by cutting down on the processed foods by 25 to 50%, you are almost certain to experience some weight loss immediately.

Exercise for Fat Loss

Proper exercise is the other half of the coin when it comes to weigh loss. Proper exercise immediately increases your metabolism, allowing you to burn fat at a higher rate. An increased metabolism will actually burn fat and calories even while you are not exercising! Exercise increases blood flow, pushing nutrients into your muscles and driving toxins out, as well as being a wonderful way to decrease the appetite immediately. Choose a proper exercise regiment that can be tailored to your specific needs and time constraints. Find an exercise program that can be done anywhere at any time so that you will never be left wanting to exercise and not be able to.

Lack of Fiber Leads to Weight Gain

Lack of fiber causes a backup in the colon, leading to deposits of food in the colon. These deposits fester, decay and become hard, attaching to the walls of the colon. These deposits are not eliminated and thus begin to add up. Fiber helps to move food through the body, thus keeping you lighter and healthier.

Some people of average weight have been known to have 40-50 pounds of fecal matter in the walls of their intestines. Imagine eliminating anywhere from 5-50 pounds simply by getting yourself to become regular. Each of the above mentioned ideas is part of the equasion and each is important. The more ideas you incorporate into your life, the faster you will lose the weight you desire. With the correct information, it is entirely possible to hit all of your goals.

Constipation Cure

For more tips on nutrition, weight loss, and exercise please visit http://www.dynamicsofmotion.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=exerslim

Cory Brusseau is a widely respected expert on the subject of fitness, strength, and nutrition. To learn more, please visit: http://www.dynamicsofmotion.com

Cure Constipation - Lose Weight

Constipation Cure

Go through How to Cure Constipation Problems extra

Constipation Cure

You have to exercise. This will indefinitely ease your constipation problem soon, if not immediately. Exercising can also raise your stamina and your endurance. This can very boost overall health in the long run. That is because our bowels respond to exercise the best. When you do your workouts, you are telling your bowel to move too!

In addition, this is the primary reason why old or senior citizens are more affected by constipation. They do not move about as much as younger people do. Therefore, it is really important to stand up and get moving. In the end, it boils down to your daily schedule and needs. You never have to take part in marathons! You just need to put in a 3-day exercise in a week or a daily routine.

Then you must stick to it. Even a little exercise like walking can help a lot when trying to boost regularity. There is just no excuse not to drink water. If you do not like water, then by all means opt for different types of beverages but not alcohol. Liquids can help constipation problems and even prevent it from happening at the first place. Why is this so?

The answer is simple. In the case of you not drinking any fluids or little, your stool will become dry. Therefore, it is harder to perform bowel movement or defecate. On the other side of the coin, most people think that drinking far too much fluids will not cure the constipation problem immediately or 100 percent. This is just a misconception, really. The fluid that is in excess will just get urinated out. How much to drink a day?

You should always follow the good old guideline of drinking 8 glasses of water per day. Even if you cannot find a way to do so, force yourself. It will do you more good than harm. Drinking water is free too! But you should never drink too much water if you have any kidney or liver problems. Look out for other diseases or conditions that limit your daily fluid intake.

Another rule of thumb is to drink more water when it is a sunny day or when you are performing your workouts. If you are still not convinced about this, you should know that athletes weigh themselves before and after their workout sessions. Their weight loss is equivalent to the water loss. Then, they drink 2 cups of liquid (preferably water) for every lost pound of body weight.

However, not all fluids are the same. There are drinks that you should avoid altogether, especially when combating constipation. These include coffee and other related caffeinated drinks. Why is this? Like protein, caffeine is diuretic. What is diuretic? It drains the fluid out of your body.

In conclusion, you should just stick to water, juice or milk and drink at least 8 cups per day.

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How to Cure Constipation Problems

Constipation Cure

Go through Exercise - A Treatment For Relieving Constipation far more

Exercise and eating the right kinds of food are the secret to relieving constipation. Most people that have constipation have a difficulty in doing both of these activities.

Exercise is necessity for eliminating, reducing, minimizing, and preventing constipation. By exercising, you can promote, produce, or create the following:

· Tones and strengthen your colon muscles
· Eliminates blood toxins by sweating.
· Stimulates your cells to eliminate waste and have this waste move out through your lymphatic system.
· Reduces tension and anxiety
· Stimulates your colons wall cell structure to increases its metabolic rate and thus improve its function.

Here is a simple exercise you can do. If you walk after last meal of the day, you can stimulate your colon to create bowel movements. In addition, walking strengthens and tones your colon walls. This prevents your colon from becoming misshaped when you on occasion become constipated.

Inactivity or lack of exercise will contribute to lack of colon muscle tone, which will contribute to constipation no matter what your age.

There are many good exercises that stimulate and strengthen your body. These exercises will help you eliminate constipation. Of course, any type of exercise will be of benefit to your health. When your colon is toxic, then exercises that activate the lymph system are good.

The lymph system removes waste and toxins from the liquid that surround your cells. So it is critical these toxins not be allowed to remain in your body long. If they do, then this is another form of constipation. Lymph nodes get plugged up with toxins, waste, and bacteria and as more waste and toxins are created they get backed up in the lymph liquid or vessels.

The rebounder has long been known to be one of the best exercise tools for stimulating and activating the lymphatic system. It also strengthens all the internal organs, tissue and cells. The colon walls are especially stretched which will help you to relieve your constipation. Other exercises are usually not a complete exercise like the rebounder.

In, Jumping for Health, 1989, Dr. Morton Walker, identifies why the re-bounder is good for a healthy body,

"Thus, the G force at the top of the bounce is eliminated and the body becomes weightless for a fraction of a second. At the bottom of the bounce when you touch the mat the G force suddenly doubles over what is ordinary gravity on earth and internal organs are put under pressure. Their cellular stimulation is increased accordingly so waste materials within cells get squeezed out. The lymphatic system carries waste away to be disposed of through the urinary and other excretory mechanisms. Rebounding makes the body cleaner...The increased G force also puts cell walls under stress causing them to undergo an individual training effect. The aerobics of rebounding brings more oxygen for penetration by osmosis from the blood. Each cell gets the amount of nourishment it requires on which to thrive."

But, if you are not satisfied with your body, the illnesses you support, and the thoughts you think and carry with you, then look at some of the changes you can make that will make your life happier and healthier.

The main thing is to provide movement for your stomach area. This provides movement to your colon and helps to move fecal matter through your colon. It strengthens your colon walls and helps to release glutamine that feeds the intestinal cell lining.


Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Relieving Constipation Go here for more free tips: Constipation Remedies

Exercise - A Treatment For Relieving Constipation


Go through Best Cure For Constipation - What is the Top Natural Cure For Constipation? far more

Best Cure For Constipation - What is the Top Natural Cure For Constipation?

Constipation Cure

The best cure for constipation is clearly identified in the act of increasing your daily fiber intake. If you are consuming a diet that does not contain the right kinds of fiber that you need to remain regular you are bound to get constipation. There are two distinct types of fiber that you can consume including:

Soluble Fiber
Insoluble Fiber
Soluble Fiber

Foods that contain the soluble form of fiber can be more easily digested since they break down quickly in the stomach and intestinal tract. Vegetables and/or fruits that are not quite ripened or that are harvested early on have higher levels of soluble fiber and popular foods containing high amounts of this type of fiber include figs and prunes. Figs and prunes, either dried or fresh can be consumed as a natural remedy for hard stools. This type of fiber intake is recommended daily, until the constipation issue subsides.

Insoluble Fiber

Just as unripe vegetables and/or fruits have high levels of fiber that are soluble, ripe fruit has less soluble fiber and more insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is excellent for naturally providing the roughage needed to bulk up stools so that they can be passed with ease. Insoluble fiber does not really have many changes as it moves through the body, and by consuming ripe fruits, vegetables, and whole grains you can get all natural forms of this kind of fiber too.

Your Daily Requirements

Experts suggest that you consume at least twenty to thirty-five grams of fiber daily. This can be gained by eating anywhere from five to nine helpings of veggies and fruits, and 1 1/2 servings of whole grain products. Foods high in natural fiber include things like instant cereal, Bulgar, Barley, Oat Bran, foods made with wheat flour, beans, and foods made with Buckwheat flour. You can also consider fiber supplementation too that can be mixed with water or juice and consumed once per day to ensure regular bowel movements. There are different types of fiber supplementation available, all of which are affordable and easy to consume.

You should really not try to over complicate things.  The bottom line is that the best cure for constipation is taking in more fiber.  However, that said, there are other things you can do as well to get things moving even quicker in the right direction.

Are you sick and tired of having to cope everyday with your problems with constipation? What you probably don't realize is that part of your problem might be to do with the foods that cause constipation. Maybe you are eating something that is triggering the problem and you don't even realize it yet. To claim your free report of the foods that cause constipation, and discover some of the things that doctors fail to tell you CLICK HERE now.

Study Relieving Chemotherapy Side Effects of Fatigue, Constipation, Nausea, Vomiting and Mouth Sores a lot more


It's a very sad day when someone is diagnosed with cancer of any type. The diagnosis from the doctor can cause someone to want to give up and the person often rides an emotional roller coaster for the next several months.

What many cancer patients fear most about cancer is the side effects of chemotherapy, such as hair loss, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and mouth sores. The sad part about these chemotherapy side effects is that food doesn't taste good anymore, doesn't smell good, and there is constant irritation in the mouth from mouth sores during times when eating. Life is naturally full of social opportunities to partake of food together with loved ones, but when this happy part of life is taken away from someone, the cancer patient's emotions can easily turn downward to depression.

During cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy, it is difficult for a patient to consume the calories he or she needs to maintain good nutritional status. This can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies that contribute to loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, stomach problems, gas, depression, mental instability, and hair loss. The treatments themselves of chemotherapy and radiation can also cause the same side effects of loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, mouth sores, hair loss, nausea and vomiting.

So what is the solution? It is one that makes chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea and even hair loss a thing of the past.

Health professionals and research scientists have been reporting for the past few decades that when all natural herbs are used as an adjunct therapy for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation, the amount of suffering that is experienced from chemotherapy side effects dwindles down to the very minimum. As a result, the patient can conceivably receive the medical treatment and recover in the shortest amount of time possible.

One way that all natural herbs are used in the alleviation of side effects of chemotherapy and radiation is by mixing them together into herbal formulas. Herbs selected for alleviating side effects of chemotherapy in one formula included fennel, tangerine, Chinese hawthorne, Bai-zhu atractylodes, dendroblum, Chinese licorice, Codonopsis, ginger root, Job's Tears, Poria, and Astragalus.

The herbs were chosen by the rating of their usefulness of regulating the digestive system. Fennel helps the sense of taste return and increases the secretion of fluids needed for the digestive process. Ginger improves loss of appetite and stimulates blood circulation in the stomach. Ginger has been used for centuries to combat nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Astragalus is effective for loss of appetite and diarrhea.

The retention of body fluid is also important, since a dehydrated body makes toxic chemicals floating around in the body more toxic. The two herbs Job's Tears and Dendrobium are helpful for minimizing dehydration.

The quicker a cancer patient on chemotherapy and radiation can regain his or her strength and feel better physically and mentally, the quicker he or she can get on with living life to its fullest. The quicker the chemotherapy side effects can be alleviated, the sooner he or she can start improving the quality of life.

The inventors of this particular herbal combination found that the herbal combination was even helpful in those who did not have cancer, but had problems with their digestive tract, such as those with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.

Chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea and even hair loss can become a thing of the past.

Dr. Donna Schwontkowski wants to see every cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy and radiation come out healed and whole without experiencing the side effects along the way. She's a Master Herbalist and the author of Herbs of the Amazon. For more info about how she can help, see http://www.drdonna.info For additional info on how herbs can help those undergoing chemotherapy, see http://www.immuneenhance.com

Relieving Chemotherapy Side Effects of Fatigue, Constipation, Nausea, Vomiting and Mouth Sores

Go through 6 Simple Constipation Remedies That Really Work much more

6 Simple Constipation Remedies That Really Work

Constipation Cure

Everyone has experienced constipation once in his or her lifetime and it is normal. The great news is that natural constipation remedies are enough and can help get things moving afresh. Further, the signs it creates - straining, bloating, hard dry stools and difficulty eliminating - are often uneasy and beyond uncomfortable... they're shocking, stunning and make it challenging to totally enjoy your life.

Feeling Constipated? Try These 6 Top Natural Constipation Cures

6. Assess Your Use of Some Medications
There are certain medications that cause constipation. This includes:

Medications for pain
Medications for Blood pressure
Iron supplements

Unexpectedly, abusing over-the-counter laxatives can additionally backfire and make your body come to be reliant on them with a specific end goal to have a solid discharge. As a rule the measurement must be expanded with a specific end goal to be adequate as time marches on, and in the long run make your bowel habits come to be more awful as a substitute for better.

5. Drink a Lot of Water
The supplemental fluid will add mass to your stool and fluid to your colon, making your stool softer and more basic to pass. Remain steadfast to clean water or small measures of juice if you're constipated, as beverages that hold stimulant (like coffee, tea, or soda) may worsen dehydration.

4. Exercising Helps
Exercise helps your intestinal muscles contract (helping your stool to move out quickly) while at the same time speeding the movement of food through your intestines and this lessens the water absorbed, which infers your stool will be softer and less demanding to pass (instead of hard and dry).

3. Go When You Need to Go...
At the time you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, make sure you get to a restroom. If you choose to ignore the urge (which happens oftentimes since you're excessively involved, might lean toward not to use a public restroom, stressed, and so forth.) it may go away and not return, causing constipation.

2. Consume More Fiber
Fiber-rich food helps in relieving constipation. Examples include fresh fruits and vegetables, and beans. It will aid make your stool delicate, making it less demanding to pass.

1. Licorice Root
Licorice root has a natural laxative effect, as it pushes peristalsis (the standard, getting movement of the colon that moves fecal matter through) and blankets your stomach and digestive tract to push closer - without the jittery feeling ordinarily joined with over-the-counter laxatives.

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Did you find those tips on "6 Simple Constipation Remedies That Really Works" useful? You can learn a lot more about Health tips at http://bodyandskincaresecrets.com. Get free e-books on Health, weight Loss, Skin Care, Exercise and other health related issues.

Study Dog Constipation? Home Remedies That Cure Dog Constipation a lot more

Does your dog have constipation? Does it happen frequently? Dogs sometimes, constipate for a number of reasons. If your dog starts constipating, don't panic just yet. In this article, we'll be looking at the various home remedies you could quickly apply to cure and relieve the dog of its constipation -if you suspect it has any.

If you are unsure of what the term constipation means, here is the definition. It is defined according to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary as the difficult or infrequent emptying of the bowels. Did you think it was only restricted to man? Now you know. Dogs too have it. The following usually cause constipation;

1. Meals the dog is fed with. Foods containing high sugar content, rice, flour, high protein are the main culprits. Foods such as cookies, Ice cream, chocolate.

2. Lack of fiber in its meals.

3. Lack of water

4. Lack of good diet and exercise.

5. Feeding from the dinner table.

6. Psychological stress and lack of proper grooming

So what cures or home remedies can do the "magic"?

1. Maintain a healthy routine in terms of proper diet and exercise. This is necessary because exercise triggers the movement of the dog's bowel. Exercise makes it possible for the dog to move its bowel. Walking your dog twice a day -if you can afford the time- is good. But if you can't, make sure you do it once a day.

Another option you might want to consider is employing the services of a Dog walker. For a token fee, they could help you walk your dog around the neighborhood. To do this, consult your phonebook or phone directory for a listing. On the other hand, you might want to search for them online. You can easily do this by typing the Keyword "Dog walking services + Your State" in the search bar. For example, it could be "Dog walking services in Boston". You get the idea.

It works if you can trust other people with your dog. By the way, there is nothing to be worried about as all the dog walkers are usually confirmed to be excellent animal lovers. Therefore, your dog is safe. In the meantime, if you want to give a quick remedy, add two teaspoonfuls of bran to its meal and you are good to go.

2. Addition of half a teaspoonful of psyllium -Metamucil- to its meal twice a day.

3. Give your dog lots of water to drink, as feces needs moisture to be easily expelled.

4. In cases where you have large build-up of hard stool, two teaspoonfuls of mineral oil should be added to its meal twice a day for a week.

Use these tips and you may not even need to see the vet. But if your dog's condition has not improved after all these treatments and you notice its inability to pass stool, decreased appetite, passing of blood no matter how small, then it's time to check in with the Vet.

Constipation Cure

Constipation WILL kill your dog if you do not do anything about it. Find out what vet doctors and the big dog product companies do not want you to know and why they keep taking your money at Dog Constipation No More [http://Dog-constipation-no-more.tk]. You can also Click Here [http://Dog-constipation-no-more.tk] to get a free video course on The 'Secret' reason every dog, including yours, is now at risk of an early death.

Dog Constipation? Home Remedies That Cure Dog Constipation

Constipation Cure

Read through Constipation Remedies far more

Constipation Remedies

Constipation Cure

When people find themselves dealing with the symptoms of a poor digestive system, or even improper digestion, they often assume that there is some pill or fix that can help them out. Nine times out of ten though, the natural constipation remedies that you are looking for are completely within your reach, as long as you understand the way your body really works, and start giving it the types of foods that it really needs to help you properly digest what you are taking in. The old saying, you are what you eat really does ring true with your diet, and if you are eating junk, your body probably isn't going to give you much back in terms of being able to lose weight, or deal with poor digestive system symptoms such as constipation.

The reason so many people deal with this disorder is heavily reliant on the type of foods they eat, and the times that they are eating these bad foods. If people choose to eat late at night, and then go to lay down for bed again, their digestive systems are going to shut down which allows the toxins inside of the food to begin building up inside of your body and blood stream. You are also not going to be able to properly digest the food, getting the vitamins and nutrients that you need, as well as being able to push it through your system completely. When you are sleeping at night you are also unable to drink any water which greatly benefits in helping your body pass food through without any hangups. When you are depriving your body of water you are naturally going to have some form of constipation or another, but when you aren't getting enough water, and you are eating during the wrong times of your day, you are adding up for a pretty unhealthy situation that could call for a natural remedy for constipation.

When you start giving your body back the water that it needs to help flush everything through, as well as seeking out the help of a natural constipation remedy you are going to quickly get back to enjoying life without having the dread of going to the restroom. Taking in proper vitamins and nutrients help your liver and kidneys to push toxins out, which in turn greatly reduces the amounts of poorly digested food that go through your body. This in turn helps to relieve you of your constipation symptoms.

Gina Rae Haining is a holistic health consultant. For more information about holistic health care and healthy weight loss foods visit her website:
