Go through How to Cure Constipation Problems extra

Constipation Cure

You have to exercise. This will indefinitely ease your constipation problem soon, if not immediately. Exercising can also raise your stamina and your endurance. This can very boost overall health in the long run. That is because our bowels respond to exercise the best. When you do your workouts, you are telling your bowel to move too!

In addition, this is the primary reason why old or senior citizens are more affected by constipation. They do not move about as much as younger people do. Therefore, it is really important to stand up and get moving. In the end, it boils down to your daily schedule and needs. You never have to take part in marathons! You just need to put in a 3-day exercise in a week or a daily routine.

Then you must stick to it. Even a little exercise like walking can help a lot when trying to boost regularity. There is just no excuse not to drink water. If you do not like water, then by all means opt for different types of beverages but not alcohol. Liquids can help constipation problems and even prevent it from happening at the first place. Why is this so?

The answer is simple. In the case of you not drinking any fluids or little, your stool will become dry. Therefore, it is harder to perform bowel movement or defecate. On the other side of the coin, most people think that drinking far too much fluids will not cure the constipation problem immediately or 100 percent. This is just a misconception, really. The fluid that is in excess will just get urinated out. How much to drink a day?

You should always follow the good old guideline of drinking 8 glasses of water per day. Even if you cannot find a way to do so, force yourself. It will do you more good than harm. Drinking water is free too! But you should never drink too much water if you have any kidney or liver problems. Look out for other diseases or conditions that limit your daily fluid intake.

Another rule of thumb is to drink more water when it is a sunny day or when you are performing your workouts. If you are still not convinced about this, you should know that athletes weigh themselves before and after their workout sessions. Their weight loss is equivalent to the water loss. Then, they drink 2 cups of liquid (preferably water) for every lost pound of body weight.

However, not all fluids are the same. There are drinks that you should avoid altogether, especially when combating constipation. These include coffee and other related caffeinated drinks. Why is this? Like protein, caffeine is diuretic. What is diuretic? It drains the fluid out of your body.

In conclusion, you should just stick to water, juice or milk and drink at least 8 cups per day.

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How to Cure Constipation Problems

Constipation Cure