Examine Constipation Cure - Get Relief from Constipation through Natural Remedies far more

Constipation Cure - Get Relief from Constipation through Natural Remedies



Chronic constipation is a problem that in itself becomes a cause of several other diseases like appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract and cancer.

Constipation is a common disorder that causes disturbance in the digestion system. It is a condition in which bowel movements are not proper. And the result is that it gives rise to toxins that get mixed with the blood and are carried to all parts of the body.

Chronic constipation is a problem that in itself becomes a cause of several other diseases like appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract and cancer.

Constipation Relief through Fruit Juice

Apple Juice and Prune Juice - Prepare fresh apple juice for best result in curing constipation. If you have a juicer you can prepare fresh apple juice and drink 3-4 glasses a day. To speed up the laxative effects of apple juice, take the below combination first thing in the morning before you have breakfast,

Step 1 - Drink 2-3 cups of prune juice.

Step 2 - After half hour, drink one cup of apple juice

Step 3 - One hour later drink another cup of apple juice

Now be prepared to head for the bathroom after you drink your prune juice and your first glass of apple juice. You may need to head to the bathroom soon after you drink prune juice.

Prune juice by itself is very beneficial for constipation. It is a safe, gentle and an effective natural laxative. Drink a cup of prune juice in the morning and a cup in the evening. Prune juice contain the substance dihydrophenylisatin, which is responsible for the laxative action.

If you add prune juice to your diet, do not drink as much of it as you would when you have constipation. Drink half glass in the morning and perhaps half glass in the evening.

Home Remedies for Constipation

o Eat guava with seeds, which provides adequate amount of fiber to the diet and aids in normal evacuation of the bowels. Consume about 1-2 guavas on a daily basis. It will prevent constipation.

o Papaya, figs, grapes and orange are natural effective laxatives. They are beneficial in constipation cure.

o You may also consume about four or five dry figs soaked in water overnight. It is another good remedy for constipation.

o Bael fruit is very effective in treating constipation. Consume it everyday for about 2-3 months.

o Another important home remedy for constipation is spinach. You can eat it either raw or prepare its juice. Mix 100 ml spinach juice with an equal quantity of water and drink it twice a day.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. Nick Mutt is an active writer on alternative health and has published many ebooks on natural health. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Know more on Home Remedies for Constipation and also about herbal treatment for constipation - Triphala and its benefits. Visit www.home-remedies-guide.com for easy and effective home remedies for all common health problems from acidity to yeast infection.

Read Effective Cat Constipation Remedies - How To Treat Cat Constipation more

Effective Cat Constipation Remedies - How To Treat Cat Constipation

Constipation Cure

Cats make wonderful companions and deserve the best care and medical prevention program available. Constipation in cats is a common occurrence that has many causing factors such as poor diet, hairball ingestion, intestinal obstruction or dehydration. Fortunately, there is a cat constipation remedy that can alleviate the discomfort your friend experiences. Prior to administering a remedy, you should be sure your cat is suffering from constipation. You should also consider consulting with a veterinarian familiar with your cat's medical history to ensure there is no underlying cause. Recognizing the signs of constipation is the first step to successfully treating the condition.

Cats present several clues to constipation. There may be physical changes, changes in your cat's bowel movements or a change in the cat's demeanor. If you notice your cat straining to use the restroom or if the abdomen is tense to the touch, she may be suffering from constipation. Additionally, a cat's feces will appear hard and dry if she is able to achieve a bowel movement. On the other hand, the feces can be mistaken for diarrhea, which is a very loose bowel. Finally, your cat may lose her appetite, which can be a sign of another condition, but can happen due to a sense of fullness. Once you are sure the cat is constipated, you have several choices to remedy the constipation.

Metamucil - a human dietary supplement - works well for cats. Due to the psyllium husk in the product, take care to carefully mix 1/4 to 1 teaspoon in canned food at each feeding. Psyllium is a bulking laxative that absorbs intestinal moisture making a bowel movement easier to pass. Make sure you provide an ample supply of water, which can help your cat pass the Metamucil.

High-fiber cat food can initiate easier bowel movements. Visit your local pet supply shop and compare your current food label to high-fiber content options. This method may take a little longer, but the cat may need a change in diet to prevent future flare-ups.

Pureed or unseasoned canned pumpkin can alleviate constipation. One to two teaspoons mixed into your cat's food per feeding should return moisture to your cat's bowel and promote a healthy bowel movement. Most cats like the taste of pumpkin and will most likely appreciate the treat.

When all else fails, a visit to the veterinarian for Laxatone - a bowel stimulant for cats - is warranted. The product is available through a veterinarian prescription and is designed to move bowels in cats that have hairball related constipation, but it works for other sources of constipation as well. The product tastes like tuna and should be given when the cat's stomach is empty. In addition, the manufacturer's or veterinarian's directions should be closely followed when administering the product.

A cat constipation remedy is helpful at the onset of the problem and only when the cat is in otherwise good health. Vomiting, lethargy or otherwise abnormal behavior requires an immediate consultation with a veterinarian. If you feel uncomfortable about your cat's condition, do not hesitate to get help immediately.

If you love your pet and want to provide a natural and safe treatment [http://www.pet-success.com] that will help your pet get better and recover quickly then click here now [http://www.pet-success.com].

Understand Exercise - A Treatment For Relieving Constipation additional


Exercise and eating the right kinds of food are the secret to relieving constipation. Most people that have constipation have a difficulty in doing both of these activities.

Exercise is necessity for eliminating, reducing, minimizing, and preventing constipation. By exercising, you can promote, produce, or create the following:

· Tones and strengthen your colon muscles
· Eliminates blood toxins by sweating.
· Stimulates your cells to eliminate waste and have this waste move out through your lymphatic system.
· Reduces tension and anxiety
· Stimulates your colons wall cell structure to increases its metabolic rate and thus improve its function.

Here is a simple exercise you can do. If you walk after last meal of the day, you can stimulate your colon to create bowel movements. In addition, walking strengthens and tones your colon walls. This prevents your colon from becoming misshaped when you on occasion become constipated.

Inactivity or lack of exercise will contribute to lack of colon muscle tone, which will contribute to constipation no matter what your age.

There are many good exercises that stimulate and strengthen your body. These exercises will help you eliminate constipation. Of course, any type of exercise will be of benefit to your health. When your colon is toxic, then exercises that activate the lymph system are good.

The lymph system removes waste and toxins from the liquid that surround your cells. So it is critical these toxins not be allowed to remain in your body long. If they do, then this is another form of constipation. Lymph nodes get plugged up with toxins, waste, and bacteria and as more waste and toxins are created they get backed up in the lymph liquid or vessels.

The rebounder has long been known to be one of the best exercise tools for stimulating and activating the lymphatic system. It also strengthens all the internal organs, tissue and cells. The colon walls are especially stretched which will help you to relieve your constipation. Other exercises are usually not a complete exercise like the rebounder.

In, Jumping for Health, 1989, Dr. Morton Walker, identifies why the re-bounder is good for a healthy body,

"Thus, the G force at the top of the bounce is eliminated and the body becomes weightless for a fraction of a second. At the bottom of the bounce when you touch the mat the G force suddenly doubles over what is ordinary gravity on earth and internal organs are put under pressure. Their cellular stimulation is increased accordingly so waste materials within cells get squeezed out. The lymphatic system carries waste away to be disposed of through the urinary and other excretory mechanisms. Rebounding makes the body cleaner...The increased G force also puts cell walls under stress causing them to undergo an individual training effect. The aerobics of rebounding brings more oxygen for penetration by osmosis from the blood. Each cell gets the amount of nourishment it requires on which to thrive."

But, if you are not satisfied with your body, the illnesses you support, and the thoughts you think and carry with you, then look at some of the changes you can make that will make your life happier and healthier.

The main thing is to provide movement for your stomach area. This provides movement to your colon and helps to move fecal matter through your colon. It strengthens your colon walls and helps to release glutamine that feeds the intestinal cell lining.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Relieving Constipation Go here for more free tips: Constipation Remedies

Exercise - A Treatment For Relieving Constipation

Go through Constipation Remedies additional

Constipation Remedies


While constipation can be a very serious issue, most of the treatment options can be much less severe than surgery or doctor visits. There are many constipation remedies that can cure the body of constipation and lead it to develop a perfectly normal schedule of bowel movements.

Most people effected by constipation have a mild case causes primarily through lifestyle choices and do not need to take the measures a person suffering with chronic constipation has to. Laxatives are the most used form of constipation relief by those who choose to solve the problem on their own. Laxatives tend to be fairly cheap and will help the body to a normal bowel movement. They are taken mostly in gum, tablets or liquids and will do a variety of tasks such as:

o Bulk forming laxatives- the safest form of laxative designed to make the stool softer allowing for easier elimination. They are taken with water to absorb into the intestine and prevent obstruction

o Osmotics- helps the body's fluids flow through the colon and cause bowel distention. People with diabetes should consult a physician before taking these laxatives because of electrolyte imbalances

o Lubricants- these laxatives enable stool to move through the intestines more easily and should stimulate a movement within 8 hours

o Chloride activators- help intestinal fluid increase to let stool pass. This aids in cutting back the pain and symptoms of constipation.

While laxatives are incredibly helpful for the majority of people, there are still those who choose other options and others that cannot take them due to other medicines they are taking.

Continue reading to discover natural treatment options for constipation and sign up for the free newsletter below.

The main natural treatments for constipation are lifestyle and diet changes. These treatments are the most effective for minor constipation and will help your entire bodily systems through proper eating and consistent exercising. Obviously, an increase in fiber will help the body through bowel movements, just as limiting caffeine intake will prevent dehydration (which in turn aids treatment). The best and most influential treatment for constipation is the intake of fluids, water especially.

For the serious constipation issue, a colectomy may be required. Colectomy is a surgical operation that removes all or part of the colon. Incisions are made along the wall of the abdomen to help remove the affected parts of the colon. Other surgeries may be required to take away the toxins, which can invade the body due to an infected colon (the results of prolonged constipation).

The biggest thing to remember when beginning the process of constipation treatment is that treatment is always harder then prevention. It is important to spend the time, either before developing or after treating constipation, to stop it from ever happening again. Treating for constipation is possible and natural treatment is always the best option available. Constipation remedies will allow for development of a normal bowel cycle and can keep you from developing the symptom again.

Sign up for Will Davies' free Constipation newsletter [http://www.overcomingconstipationnaturally.com/?source=ez] - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about constipation remedies [http://www.overcomingconstipationnaturally.com/constipation.html?source=ez].

Study Role of Coffee in Constipation Troubles a lot more

Role of Coffee in Constipation Troubles



It has an acidic effect and that naturally causes bowels to move irregularly and triggers constipation symptoms. Though it deceitfully looks like a laxative, it has the tendency to do just the opposite. It is the best known irritant of the gastrointestinal tract and naturally once coffee is ingested it starts its role of irritating the tract and causing constipation problems.

When you get out of our warm bed sheet of yours and think of the day ahead you already would have an uneasy feeling at the pit of the stomach. That is only natural in the early morning messy schedule. Well, to calm the nerves and feel afresh if you ingest some caffeine then you have invited trouble. The caffeine hits right where it should not hit and messes it up double the time than it was supposed to. Your morning is ruined. The worst part is the ignorance of people. It is okay if people do not understand that coffee would cause constipation, but it is really awful to know that they do not understand that coffee is not the cure for constipation. Almost everybody who has this problem thinks that coffee is a boon and it is an instant reliever of constipation problems. Of course, it is anything but true. There are others who know that this problem exists and they conveniently shift to decaffeinated coffee. That's the height of ignorance. The coffee bean in whatever form is going to irritate your gastrointestinal tract. Decaffeinated coffee does not much for your digestive system either and it also would welcome constipation with open arms.

There is an easy substitute for coffee. We are talking about tea here. Yes. You can try that to keep yourself fresh and get an almost coffee-induced feeling in the morning and evening. It may not be the same feeling or taste for one used to caffeine, but it is at least healthy and helpful. Coffee constipation happens to almost every second caffeine addict or routine consumer. They just don't stop with constipation. There are abdominal spasms that occur and they are very uncomfortable. Abdominal spasms will freeze your activities of daily living for a while and wouldn't settle down that easily. Abdominal spasm attacks are embarrassing too as you have to hold your stomach and squat. Well, if there is a crowd around that sure would not make a pretty picture.

There is this urgency feeling that you may experience below the belt when you have coffee. If you are prone to constipation problems just do not touch the caffeine products and yes, make sure you do not touch them even if they come in different flavors and names not even decaffeinated ones. Because these products just do not cause constipation, but also diarrhea. Next time you wake up to a bedside coffee make sure that you wash it down the sink. It isn't going to help you freshen up.

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Read through Constipation Remedies That You Can Trust extra

If you have constipation issues, then the only thing on your mind is how you can start to get relief. The state of discomfort that you are in is almost unbearable and you really want some help. Your body is going through all sorts of problems and you feel really sick. You need a solution and fast.

There are constipation remedies that you can trust that the will start working for you immediately. In just a few hours, you can start to get the relief that you have been so desperately searching for. You can get your body back to a balanced state and you can make that happen now.

A great constipation remedy is water. This may sound like a remedy that isn't going to work but that is very wrong. The reason why you are so constipated and bloated is because you are dehydrated. Your stool is so dry that it is sticking to the wall of your small intestine, making it impossible for you to excrete waste. If you want to get rid of this, then you have to keep your entire body lubricated, especially your digestive system. If you are able to do this, then you will keep your body on a schedule that will work in your favor and constipation can be a thing of the past.

Another way to get rid of constipation is to eat more natural fibers. Too many women aren't getting enough fiber in their diets and this poor diet can contribute to constipation. Too many women are just too busy to keep a balanced diet and proper nutrition a part of their daily routine. If you eat just a few more fruits and vegetables or nuts and whole grains in your day, you will notice a huge difference. Your bowel movements will be on schedule and you will feel healthier. The bloating can be a thing of the past if you start eating a better diet and taking better care of your body.

You should always stay away from candies, chocolates, trans fasts and caffeine during this time because these all make you feel bloated and can actually worsen your constipation. You need to cut these out of your diet for a while until you are back on track. Even then, try to eat as healthy as possible and continue drinking the right amount of water each and every single day.

To find out more about how to cure your constipation problem naturally, this Helpful Site!

Constipation Remedies That You Can Trust

Constipation Cure

Examine More Vegetable Constipation Remedies additional

More Vegetable Constipation Remedies


Here are more constipation remedies using vegetables. Use vegetables every day for good health. When you have constipation then you want to eat more vegetables and fruits than normal. After you clear your constipation, them back off from eating excess vegetables and just eat what you need to prevent constipation.

Carrots, Cabbage and Raisins

Because carrots contain fiber, they help to form a good stool and promote peristaltic action. By combining carrots with cabbage and raisins, you can create an even more powerful food that will help in relieving constipation. Combine the following vegetables to form an evening salad:

* Chopped carrots
* Shredded cabbage (raw or slightly steamed)
* Romaine lettuce
* Cauliflower
* Cucumbers
* A handful raisins
* Sprinkle a tablespoon of grounded flax seeds
* Mix in 1 - 2 tablespoons of olive oil or more
* Mix in 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil
* Mix in 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or more
* One tablespoon of lecithin granules

Eat this salad once or twice a day for three days. After that you should continue to eat a vegetable salad for lunch or dinner. Make sure to drink plenty of water when eating more fiber.

Carrot and Spinach Juice

Combine 10 oz of carrot and 6 oz of spinach juice. Drink two pints daily. Both these vegetables have nutrients to help relieve your constipation.


Cucumbers are good for preventing constipation. But they can be used in the carrot-spinach juice or the apple-spinach juice. Cucumbers make these juices more powerful. Use only about ¼ - ½ of a cucumber when adding it to these juices. You can experiment with how much cucumber you want to add.

Cucumbers are a natural diuretic and help to dissolve kidney stones. Because they are high in potassium, they help to promote the flexibility of colon cells. This helps to keep your colon working, as it should.

Cabbage and Asparagus

Cabbage is high in fiber and contains a good amount of potassium, foliate, beta-carotene and many other nutrients - bioflavonoids, indoles, genistein, monoterpenes. It is these various chemicals that give it its potent ability to reduce or prevent colon cancer and heal various ulcers along the gastrointestinal tract.

Cabbage is anti-bacterial and helps to heal tissues in the stomach, intestines, and colon.

Drinking cabbage juice produces intestinal gas. This gas occurs when cabbage juices combine with putrefied layers in the intestines and colon.

Use little or no salt on any preparation of cabbage. Salt destroys the nutritional value of cabbage.

There are many forms of cabbage you can use for your juices - green, red, savoy, bok choy Asparagus. Asparagus are also high in fiber. They also provide foliate and vitamins A and C. Refrigerate asparagus quickly if you are not going to use them and keep them for 3 days or less. Asparagus that have not been refrigerated lose their nutritional value quickly.

People with gout should not eat asparagus since they contain purines that can start a gout attack.

Steam your cabbage and asparagus with a slight amount of water for 3-4 minutes or less. Eat just before going to bed and take some digestive enzymes to help digest this food.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Vegetables for Constipation Go here for more free tips: Constipation Remedies

Understand Best Cure for Constipation extra

The best cure for constipation is a fiber pie made out of beans. Fiber is the one ingredient that will bulk up and soften your stool so that it can pass naturally.

Most causes of constipation is due to small hard stool that can take days to enlarge and pass through the colon. So the purpose of this article is to explain why a bean pie is the best cure for constipation.

Constipation is the inability to go to the bathroom. Many people due to fast food, medication or choices of the food they choose to eat, only have bowel movements 3 times per week or even less. This is what doctors define as chronic constipation and can create irritable bowel syndrome and pain or straining in the rectum.

However fiber which is needed in most diets can be a great way to relieve the bowels. But to get more fiber it requires most people to change their diet. they will have to eat less fast food, add more vegetables to their diet, drink plenty of water and get more exercise. As you know most people do not have the disciple or the desire to change their lifestyle. So a simple and delicious pie that is easy to make and very economical can be easily incorporated into the daily diet of most families.

Beans as you may know is a excellent source of fiber as well as protein and is very economical in price. Beans are known as a super food by medical profession for all of the benefits that it has to offer.

However beans do have one serious side effect that detracts many people from eating them and that is gas. Gas on the stomach is very uncomfortable and passing gas can be embarrassing and odorous.

This is where the bean "pie" comes in. Beans when mixed with certain spices actually remove the gas from the dish altogether. And the exact spices that remove gas from beans is the same spices that are key ingredients in the pie.

Do not let the thought of beans made into a pie scare you. Bean pie is a delicious, sweet potato tasting pie that can be eaten cold or warm. Beans are also fat free, with very little calories making it an excellent weight loss dish.

Finally, bean pie is made of the one true ingredient that will make anyone have a natural bowel movement and that is fiber. The insoluble fiber known as roughage which cleanses the colon is the primary component of the bean pie.

This makes the bean pie the best cure for constipated people, even children and constipated babies can enjoy the power of the bean pie.

So in conclusion, eating a daily slice of bean pie after a meal will provide the whole family with the best cure for constipation without having to make a major change in lifestyle or budget and add healthy nutrients to the family for years to come.

Constipation Cure

Terrence Silver began making bean pies for his wife after surgery and medication made her constipated. It wasn't long when members of his family and church quietly asked for pies to also help them with constipation. His easy to fix recipe for bean pie works and he wants to share it with the world to help fight disease and promote regularity.

Best Cure for Constipation

Study When Baby Can't Poop: Baby Constipation Remedies extra

Constipation Cure

It's hard enough to be a good parent on the good days, but when something is ailing baby it's even more of a challenge. Babies can't tell us what is wrong, so it can be difficult to ascertain what the problem is. When baby is constipated, however, there are signs to look for. Is your baby:

Turning red in the face?

Has the baby not had a dirty diaper recently, or had one full of hard, pebble-like stools?

If you answered "yes" to these questions, your baby is very likely constipated. You're going to need to educate yourself on some baby constipation cures to get your bundle of joy back to her smiling, cooing self as soon as possible.

Is your baby formula fed? If so, it may be the formula that is causing the problem. If you have changed formulas recently, switch back and see if the problem subsides. Also, if you are feeding baby a cow's milk based formula (which the majority of baby formulas are), the issue could be an acquired sensitivity to lactose. Try switching to a soy-based formula and monitor your child's bowel activity to see if any changes occur.

If your baby is breastfed, there could be something in your breast milk that is causing the tummy upset in your baby. If mommy eats strongly flavored foods or those that are known to be gaseous in adults (such as cabbage, onions, and strong spices) these flavorings can be passed onto baby via the breast milk. Examine your own diet to determine whether the baby constipation cures most easily determined for you can be traced back to mom, not baby.

Whether you breast feed or formula feed your child, if you have determined that it's neither mommy's diet or the type of formula that is causing the issues, you may need to try something else. One of the easiest baby constipation cures is to add some prune juice baby's diet. Prune juice can be mixed with expressed breast milk or formula and given to baby in a bottle, making it a safe and easy way to encourage good bowel movements in your child. If the problem becomes chronic, as it sometimes will with children, prune juice as a daily preventative measure is also a good choice.

Prune juice as one of the baby constipation cures for babies who are older than four months: Dilute about an ounce of juice into ½ cup of breast milk or formula. This can be given to baby twice a day (for a total of 8 ounces of formula or milk and 2 ounces of juice daily) until the problem is resolved. If baby is not yet four months old, it should only take about a tablespoon of juice per 4 oz of milk to loosen the stool.

Other baby constipation cures are the same as for adults. For example, ensure your baby remains sufficiently hydrated throughout the day. Breastfed babies who feed on a regular schedule and sufficiently drain the breast will be getting enough hydration. Water is a good choice for children who can drink from a cup, but always ensure they are still getting enough milk as well, because it contains essential vitamins and nutrients.

It's never pleasant when your baby is uncomfortable, and constipation can wreak havoc on your baby's little body. Rest assured, however, that this is most often not a sign of anything serious and that it can be resolved with a little investigative work and small changes in your diet or your baby's. If the problem persists, however, you may need to speak to your child's doctor to determine how to best proceed.

Michele has been writing articles for health research for the past several years now. Not only does she specialize in well known areas of health, such as diet and fitness, but she also spends time writing about home remedies you can use on almost any medical condition. You can check out her latest articles on Home Remedies For Constipation [http://homeremediesforconstipationsite.com] and why a Constipation Home Remedy [http://homeremediesforconstipationsite.com/constipation-home-remedy] is the best way to put an end to constipation.

When Baby Can't Poop: Baby Constipation Remedies

Understand Fiber and How it Eliminates Constipation much more

Fiber and How it Eliminates Constipation


A diet with 40 grams of fiber provides protection and prevention against diseases such as kidney stones, varicose veins, obesity, heart disease, appendicitis, colon disease, diabetes, appendicitis, diverticulitis, and constipation.

When you eat fiber, it passes into your colon without getting digested in the small intestine. The good bacteria will use some of it as food, which makes them stronger, able to multiply, and keep bad bacteria in check.

Eating fiber reduces your fecal matter transit time from 3 days to 1 1/ 2 - 2days.

All processed foods, such as white flour products, have little or no fiber. Fiber is removed when various natural flours or grains are processed to make junk food. During this processing, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are also removed. Only plant foods and lightly processed grains have fiber of varying amounts

Foods that are "fortified" with vitamins and minerals are unbalance and unhealthy since manufacturers cannot replace all the nutrients the food once had.

Fiber, bulk, or roughage, is one of the main nutrients you need to eat daily to relieve and prevent constipation and prevent many other diseases. Most fiber is fermented in your colon and provides some energy for the body. Fiber has two forms - soluble and insoluble.

Soluble Fiber

Soluble Fiber become gummy and viscous after it dissolves in water.

Soluble fiber has the ability to slow down digestion in the small intestine and prevent simple sugars from entering the bloodstream right away.

Because it absorbs water, soluble fiber softens and gives weight to fecal matter, and this makes fecal matter easier to pass through your colon.

Soluble fiber consists of pectin, gum, and mucilage. Pectin is found in carrots, apples, beets, cabbage, citrus fruits, and bananas. Gums and mucilage are found in oat bran, sesame seeds, oats, oatmeal, legumes, guar gum, and gum arabic.

Besides helping prevent constipation, soluble fiber provides the following benefits.

· reduces the risk of heart disease
· reduces the risk of gallstones
· helps to remove toxic heavy metals and toxins from your colon
· helps to prevent the toxic condition call appendicitis
· regulates movement of sugar into the bloodstream
· helps to prevent hemorrhoids and fissures
· lowers cholesterol
· lowers absorption of fats in the intestines
· and most importantly, help prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your colon.

Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and consists of cellulose, hemi cellulose, and lignin. This type of fiber is extremely beneficial to your health. Because your body's enzymes cannot break down this fiber, like it does food, it remains in tack as it travels through your intestines and colon.

Insoluble fiber helps fecal matter travel faster through the small intestine and your colon and thereby prevents constipation.

It provides bulk to your fecal matter. It makes your stools larger, softer, and stimulates peristaltic movement as it touches your colon walls.

Insoluble fiber, like soluble fiber, slows down digestion. It also slows down absorption of protein, starch and fat and has the ability to inhibit the action of digestive enzymes.

Insoluble fibers are found in vegetables, wheat, and wheat bran. This type of fiber is considered an anti-carcinogen and a digestive aid. It is credited with preventing colon cancer and many other colon diseases.

You body needs soluble and insoluble fiber to help relieve and prevent constipation. It also helps to prevent many other diseases. Start adding more fiber to your diet and gain the benefits of better health.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Eliminate Constipation Go here for more free tips: Constipation

Read Six Smoothie Recipes For Constipation and Acne Relief much more

I recommend drinking a morning smoothie if you have constipation or if you have skin problems like acne. Drinking a high fiber smoothie relieves and prevents constipation. It will also provide the nutrients that are necessary for having or keeping a nice clean and smooth skin.

So, here are the six smoothie recipes you can blend.

* Apple Smoothie
* Apple-Barley Smoothie
* Apricot Smoothie
* Peach-Rice Dream Smoothie
* Pineapple Smoothie
* Strawberry Smoothie

Apple Smoothie

Mix in the blender the following.

1-2 small apples cut into wedges
1 banana
1 cup 50:50 rice dream: almond milk
¼ cup or less of raisins soaked overnight
1-teaspoon honey
1-2 cubes of ice
1-teaspoon lecithin granules
2 tablespoons flax seed oil

Start by mixing the banana and the liquids. Then add slices of apples to get the consistency you like. In all of your smoothies add flax seed oil for nice smooth skin. I also add a tablespoon of flax seed straight into the blender and the blender will chop them up.
Apple-Barley Smoothie

Mix in the blender the following.

1 cup of sliced apples with peel
1/2 cup of cooked barley
1/4 cup of soaked raisins
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla flavoring
1-1 ½ cup of 50:50 rice dream: almond milk
1-teaspoon lecithin granules
2 Tablespoons flax seed oil

Make sure you use the lecithin granules in these smoothies since lecithin helps to breakdown the flax oil into tiny droplets and makes it more digestible.

Apricot Smoothie

One cup of fresh apricots or dried apricots that were soaked overnight
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
Two oz. of prune juice
One teaspoon or more of oat ban
One teaspoon of mineral whey
One tablespoon of flax seed oil
One tablespoon of lecithin granules

Add a slight amount of distilled water or ice cubes to make the consistency to your liking. This smoothie is good for constipation and acne.

Peach-Rice Dream Smoothie

Mix in the blender:

2 fresh peaches with peel
1-cup rice dream
1/2 banana
1-teaspoon sesame seeds
1-teaspoon sunflower seed
1-tablespoon lecithin granules
2 tablespoons flax seed oil

In place of rice dream you can use almond milk. I now only use almond milk to make my smoothies. Place all of the seeds straight into the blender. This smoothie has plenty of fiber. You may want to increase the amount of sesame and sunflower seeds.

Pineapple Smoothie

Mix the following in a blender.

1-2 cups of fresh pineapples
1/2 cups apple slices
1/4-cup fresh apple juice
1/2-cup almond milk (more or less as needed)
1 banana
1-tablespoon lecithin
2-tablespoons flax seeds
2 teaspoons bran (wheat, oat or rice)

You can add more lecithin if you like. Lecithin does not have a taste. This smoothie is jam packed with fiber.

Strawberry Smoothie

Mix in a blender the following ingredients.

1 banana
1-tablespoon of lecithin granules
1-teaspoon of any type of bran
1 cup or more 50:50 rice dream: almond milk
Now add strawberries one by one with the blender on until you get the consistency you like.
1-tablespoon flax seeds
1 or 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
1-teaspoon sesame seeds
1 tablespoon of flax seed oil

You can add liquid minerals or vitamins to these smoothies and give them an additional nutritional value.

There you have the smoothies that I make. Start making and drinking them and see the health benefits that you'll get.


Here's a great free deal...go get a free copy of Smoothie for great skin then go get information on how to get rid of acne here: Relieve Acne

Six Smoothie Recipes For Constipation and Acne Relief


Study Side Effects of Constipation - 2 Painful Yet Unnecessary Outcomes of Constipation far more


Eating food obviously keeps us going. It provides all the nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats that we need to live an active life each and everyday. However eating the wrong types of foods over an extended period of time can cause problems for the body because it is not getting what it needs. One such problem is constipation or the inability to pass a bowel movement on a regular basis. It is a symptom that something is not right. This could be in the food that the individual is eating or a host of other factors such as stress, aging or a lack of activity.

In and of itself, constipation can be bad enough but there are a number of side effects of constipation that can make it even worse. On such side effect is hemorrhoids. Another is anal fissures.

Let's explain what these side effects are and why they occur.

Hemorrhoids in their mild incarnation are swollen tissue on the anal canal or anus. A more advanced hemorrhoid can be a large fold of tissue on the anal canal that is so large that it hangs down and out of the anus.

Anal fissures are cracks in the tissue of the anal canal. They will usually start as a surface level crack but could worsen to the extent that they are quite deep and unable to naturally heal.

Both of these conditions are thought to result because of the nature of constipation. A primary symptom of constipation is a hard stool developing. Waste material is moved through the intestine to the colon. In the colon much of the liquid content of the waste is removed. When a person has constipation too much water is removed leaving a hard, dry stool.

A hard dry stool that enters the rectum or anal canal can damage or bruise the tissue leading to anal fissures or hemorrhoids. As the stool is dry, it can also pull on the lining of the anal canal. This can loosen it and form the piles or hemorrhoids that are normally associated with a prolapsed condition.

You can get fast relief from the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids. Some people have even reported that their piles have gone within 48 hours using this effective hemorrhoid cure. Be the next success story and click get rid of hemorrhoids now.

Side Effects of Constipation - 2 Painful Yet Unnecessary Outcomes of Constipation

Study Best Food For Constipation a lot more

If you re unfortunate enough to have constipation problems know they have to watch their food every single day! Advice like this one comes from everywhere: don't eat fat foods or you will be unable to poop!

Media, family, friends, all "experts" in your issue, all able tell exactly what to eat to relive your constipation!

How do you decide who is right? How do you know which advise is best? Some people will swear that they have the miracle solution that will make your constipation go away over night! Take it easy. It would be nice to be that easy but that's just wishful thinking.

However, is god to know what foods help your condition. There are quite a few actually and without any other introduction here they are:

- Figs and Dates : fruits rich in fiber and minerals; it takes approx 24 hours to see results; as a plus these fruits produce serotonin

- Grapes: one to two pounds daily will reduce constipation occurrence; high in vitamins and minerals , fiber and manganese.

- Papaw (Carica Papaya) : more known for its papain enzyme content an less for its anti-constipation virtues; its high mineral content reduces the cell waste, stomach and intestine mucus.

- Persimmon: as nutritious as an apple and great for hearth health; rich in minerals such as potassium, manganese, sodium, iron, calcium and source of anti-oxidants (phenolic compounds) eating 2-3 daily will provide a great colon cleanser

- Plums: rich in minerals and great laxative plums are very effective in clearing intestinal gas.

- Prunes: known as dried plums, prunes are more effective for constipation

- Raspberries: high in Vitamin A and C, rich in calcium, iron, magnesium; raspberries provide fast constipation relieve if had in large quantities.

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Best Food For Constipation

Understand Constipation - Causes and Cures far more

Constipation is not a healthy state to be in. Your body can never be running at its optimum if you are constipated. What is happening to your body? If you are not able to remove the waste products from your body the toxic waste materials are, in effect, backing up into your system, into your blood stream and digestive track. These toxins are polluting your body and all systems.

Are You Constipated? The healthy bowel state is to move your bowels at least once a day, preferably first thing in the morning before breakfast. If you are not moving your bowels at least once a day then you are constipated.

Bowel Motions More Than Once A Day. Be careful with this one. It is OK to move your bowels more than once a day but only if the cause is not an incomplete evacuation. This is when you go to the toilet but still feel like you haven't cleared your bowels. Again this is not a healthy state. You may need to check that you don't have a physical obstruction there preventing a full evacuation. Note that only those people on a full vegan diet would move their bowels after every meal. If you eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy and you are moving your bowels many times a day, then you are probably experiencing an incomplete evacuation.

Causes of Constipation

Medications; There are many medications that list constipation as one of the side effects. Check the literature that comes with your meds or with the company that manufactures them.

Supplements; Natural health supplements can also have a binding effect for some people. Again, check on the label or with your health practitioner or manufacturer.

Stress is a leading cause of constipation; It creates tension in the body and can force people to 'hold on' in every way. To tighten up. It is where we get the term 'anal retentive'. When a person wants to control every facet of their life and can't 'let go'. Stress is, for many of us, a constant battle. We all suffer from it either mentally and/or physically. In small doses it is actually healthy. If we all spent the majority of our day lounging in a hammock nothing would ever get done. We do need to find ways to manage it so that it doesn't get so bad that we are constipated or worse still, lead to an early death.

Natural Health Solutions for constipation

Exercise; If you don't move your body, your bowels won't move either. It really is that simple. Exercise increases circulation of fluids and improves muscle contractions to move food and its waste products through your body.

Water; Dehydration is a critical factor in constipation. Just by upping your water intake to the required 1 1/2 to 2 litres a day can get your bowels moving again. Just be sure that you are consuming a healthy filtered or spring water.

Diet Advice; Increase fresh, raw fruit and vegetables into your diet. Think salad or fruit with every meal. Also whole grains instead of white, processed, and bleached. This will increase the fibre content. Brown rice instead of white and wholemeal (brown) bread and pasta instead of white. Dried fruits like dates and figs are also very helpful. A grapefruit or apple every day has been found to relieve constipation.

Natural Health Products;

Flaxseed Oil & Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil with a couple of drops of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (or fresh lemon juice) morning and night before meals. This is an excellent, gentle, non-toxic treatment for constipation. Note- Flaxseed oil has a nutty taste but if you really cannot stomach the taste you can always take the capsule.

Probiotics; The good bacteria in the bowel is essential for the healthy breakdown and elimination of food. Also important for immunity and allergies.

Bowel Biotics; Is an effective way to move your bowels if you find the flaxseed oil is not well tolerated or not strong enough. It is a combination of psyllium and prebiotics and probiotics.

Aloe Vera; It is another gentle supplement that helps to tone the bowel and normalise bowel function.

Herbal Medicine such as licorice, dandelion, globe artichoke, slippery elm, and St Mary's Thistle can also be useful. For more advice on diet and herbal medicine contact your online Naturopath.

These natural health products and herbal medicines are useful to cure constipation in the short term but long term it is imperative to make the lifestyle and diet changes to ensure good bowel and overall health.

This is Sienna Wolke ND and thank you for reading my article about causes of constipation and natural health products cures and diet advice. Please visit my website at http://www.healthforme.com.au/ for further information and have a talk with me. You can also use our natural health products online store for a large variety of natural health products. I'm looking forward to be with you in your quest for a healthier body and mind.

Constipation - Causes and Cures


Study Constipation: An in Depth Look at Causes, Symptoms and Treatments more

Chronic constipation can bring on a variety of incontinence issues. While patients with incontinence feel that they may "never go" as they seek treatment they may experience everything from loose bowels to complete bowel incontinence before the constipation is resolved. This makes it imperative that anyone who is experiencing chronic constipation have access to the right incontinence products. From wearing incontinence pads to using adult diapers these can all be tools that help to manage the condition until it is resolved.

Constipation occurs when the body is unable to remove feces from the body. This can be due to several different causes. Some of the causes of constipation include but are not limited to:

• Not chewing well enough - You may be surprised to learn that how well you chew your food will determine how easily it passes through your body. You need to chew your food well in order to break it down for your stomach and allow the nutrients to be absorbed. When your food has not been chewed enough it makes it a lot harder to pass it through your system.

• Not having enough fiber - This is problem for many people. The fiber is what absorbs water while the food is passing through the colon. Fiber is what makes it easy for the entire waste removal process of the body to function. When there is not enough fiber in the body the colon will create much harder stools which in turn will make defection harder to do.

• Not having enough water - Many people are surprised to learn that the human body is made up of nearly 70% water. However, the less water that you take in the less you will have in your system. Because of this deficit the colon will absorb water from the stools in your body in order to make up the difference. This can in turn lead to constipation.

Symptoms of constipation most often include the following:

• An inability to move stool through the rectum - The patient may feel that they just cannot move their stools despite continued pushing.

• An overwhelming urge to defecate - Because of the continued buildup of stool the patient with constipation may feel an almost constant urge to defecate.

• An abdominal pain that ranges from mild to serious - While the colon is trying to deal with the backup of stool many patients report abdominal pain that can be anything from mild to severe.

Treatment for constipation can include the following:

• Diet and lifestyle changes - This can include eating more fiber, drinking more water, getting regular exercise and taking time for regular bowel movements.

• Laxatives - These types of medications can be habit forming, so it is important that these are considered only when diet and lifestyle change are not working.

• Other medications - These medications are usually only prescribed when diet and lifestyle changes along with the use of laxatives are not working. Your doctor will determine what type of medication is right for you.

• Procedures - There is a variety of procedures (both surgical and non - surgical), that can be tried should the above listed treatment options not be successful. Keep in mind that these are usually only done as a last resort.

While treatment for constipation can seem embarrassing it is imperative that you seek out help if the problem is chronic. Chronic constipation can bring on several serious medical conditions if it is left untreated. While pursing treatment it is also important to use the right kind of incontinence product that will help to make dealing with this problem much easier.

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Constipation: An in Depth Look at Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Understand Most Effective Toddler Constipation Remedies additional

Constipation in your toddler can be a scary problem. Luckily, some of the best toddler constipation remedies are pretty easy to follow and can be done right at home without having to go to the doctor.

First, you want to make sure your child is drinking enough fluids. Most importantly, water. When your child gets dehydrated, their stools will become a lot harder and it will be difficult to pass through. A good rule to follow is to make sure your child is urinating at least once every 3 hours while they are awake. If so, they are probably getting enough fluids.

Next, try to increase the amount of fiber that your child is consuming. Give them more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and high fiber cereals and see if this helps. It's always a good idea to start with water and fiber intake before moving onto other toddler constipation remedies. Some of the best foods for this problem are figs and prunes since they are a natural laxative. Other good ones are mangoes, papaya, apricots, raisins, grapes, and apples.

Magnesium is another nutrient that you could try out. Magnesium acts as a laxative and can be found in a lot of the same foods as fiber. More specifically, green leafy vegetables, brown rice, and raw almonds. Of course if your toddler isn't able to chew fully yet, there are magnesium supplements that can be mixed into juice or another drink.

Another one of the remedies you might want to try is adding in a fiber supplement. Some of these include Citrucel, Metamucil, and Fiber-all. These supplements increase your child's fiber intake and help to make the stools absorb more water which then allows them to pass easily. You can find these at pretty much any store.

Constipation Cure

I hope those tips help your child out. If you want to learn more toddler constipation remedies, I recommend you check out [http://HelpStopConstipation.info]

Most Effective Toddler Constipation Remedies

Constipation Cure

Read Most Effective Toddler Constipation Remedies a lot more

Constipation Cure

Constipation in your toddler can be a scary problem. Luckily, some of the best toddler constipation remedies are pretty easy to follow and can be done right at home without having to go to the doctor.

First, you want to make sure your child is drinking enough fluids. Most importantly, water. When your child gets dehydrated, their stools will become a lot harder and it will be difficult to pass through. A good rule to follow is to make sure your child is urinating at least once every 3 hours while they are awake. If so, they are probably getting enough fluids.

Next, try to increase the amount of fiber that your child is consuming. Give them more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and high fiber cereals and see if this helps. It's always a good idea to start with water and fiber intake before moving onto other toddler constipation remedies. Some of the best foods for this problem are figs and prunes since they are a natural laxative. Other good ones are mangoes, papaya, apricots, raisins, grapes, and apples.

Magnesium is another nutrient that you could try out. Magnesium acts as a laxative and can be found in a lot of the same foods as fiber. More specifically, green leafy vegetables, brown rice, and raw almonds. Of course if your toddler isn't able to chew fully yet, there are magnesium supplements that can be mixed into juice or another drink.

Another one of the remedies you might want to try is adding in a fiber supplement. Some of these include Citrucel, Metamucil, and Fiber-all. These supplements increase your child's fiber intake and help to make the stools absorb more water which then allows them to pass easily. You can find these at pretty much any store.

I hope those tips help your child out. If you want to learn more toddler constipation remedies, I recommend you check out [http://HelpStopConstipation.info]

Most Effective Toddler Constipation Remedies

Constipation Cure

Read through Constipation Home Remedies extra

Constipation Cure

A lot of people suffer with constipation and although it might appear to be an amusing condition for persons looking in, for someone who must live with this condition it can be a serious predicament. Constipation home remedies are usually the first solution for somebody who has constipation and with good reason; the majority of these home remedies work and work very well.

Some of constipation symptoms can be nausea, leg pains, headache, flatulence, fever and loss of appetite. All of which must not be underestimated, because they can develop into a problem in themselves. It ought to be noted at this point, that even if bowel movements are occurring, there might still be constipation. This is for the reason that if you experience erratic bowel movements i.e. They do not take place every day and are easy to pass, you might also be considered to be constipated.

For nearly everyone who has constipation, their first port of call while searching for constipation home remedies should analyze their diets. Proper diet can solve all constipation problems and it is the best home remedy.

In general we must all try to consume more fruits and more vegetables. This will add bulk and fiber to the diet and so it should cure constipation. However, you should avoid vegetables that cause flatulence: These include cabbage, sprouts, beans and foods such as nuts and also some dried foods. Processed, fatty foods and fried foods should be avoided too.

As a replacement for one of the fruits that ought to be added to the diet are figs. Well accepted throughout time as one of the constipation home remedies, figs can be soaked overnight in water and be prepared for breakfast the next morning. You can also consume figs as the basis for a homemade blended drink. Simply toss in three or four figs, add some oat milk and some prune juice and blend it all. This is an excellent drink that when taken regularly for a few days will usually help to relieve constipation.

Wholegrain breads and cereals ought to also be added to the diet of somebody who has irregular bowel movements or is constipated. These breads and cereals help to add the needed bulk that our bodies need to remove the waste. In the same way the fiber that these foods contain, is also vital to keep the bowels healthy and working well.

You should also exercise every day and drink a lot of water as this will help to keep your organism working healthy and encourage the waste to naturally and easily leave the body.

To learn about diet that can solve constipation and many other health problems go to: Food for Health and Energy.

You might also check the Colon Cleansing Diet [http://goodhealth-4u.info/colon-cleansing/colon-cleansing-diet/colon-cleansing-diet.php]

Constipation Home Remedies

Go through Constipation? Bowel Conditions? Try the Asian Approach to a Healthy Evacuation more

There's a wide range of products to choose from these days to help improve your health one way or another. Yet every so often something appears head and shoulders above the rest that is neither expensive, works exceedingly well and is a one-off purchase.

This technique...

• helps you achieve effective squatting position

• allows more effective and complete bowel elimination

During the 1970's I was working in Brunei, North Borneo. In one of the local language papers a photo of the Minister of Health was reproduced with him squatting on a toilet (fully dressed I might add) to show people how the body should be angled when evacuating. There was such a public outrage to this photo that it was quickly retracted. Pity, as he was quite correct but like all politicians, would do anything to avoid bad press.

When we sit, our body does not fully enter elimination mode, so when sat on the loo we end up straining to force the faeces past the puborectalis muscle. This puts our abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, and the blood vessels surrounding the rectum, under a great deal of pressure. Ultimately, excessive straining can lead to haemorrhoids, bladder weakness and, if the muscles become too damaged, incontinence.

Not only this, but when sitting to defecate we don't usually manage to have a complete elimination, and faeces remains in our bowels which can cause a build-up. This prevents our bodies from being able to absorb all the necessary nutrients from our food. Built-up faeces can also cause serious irritation and cause the lining of the bowel to become inflamed, and can even cause infection which can lead to bowel disease and appendicitis.

The only real solution to this problem is to change our toilet habits, or more specifically, the position we put our bodies in to sit. Squatting is essential for comfortable and complete bowel elimination, and this technique is the perfect aid.

By putting the body into a natural squatting position, it's a healthier and more complete way to 'do your business' It's a great treatment for constipation and haemorrhoids and can help to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place. makes perfect sense for people with many types of bowel conditions that could be improved simply by putting your body into a better squatting position on the toilet. If you've had a poor bowel condition for years, it may be the one change you need to make to get a better result.

Graeme Dinnen runs Resources For Life in England. He has worked to resolve poor bowel conditions for the past 18 years. For more information on this technique:


Constipation? Bowel Conditions? Try the Asian Approach to a Healthy Evacuation


Read through Constipation Remedies Ensuring Stool Consistency a lot more

If you're finding difficulty passing your stool, it probably signifies that you're bowel is compacted and constipation is probably going to be your problem. Let's face it, this condition isn't life-threatening, nevertheless it remains to be something that you require to take seriously. There are a number of Constipation Remedies that you can implement in a short time in order to grapple with this problem.

You run the danger of allowing the condition to become chronic if you do not act. There is no really need to pay a visit to your medical professional as you are able to very much self-treat this condition. The earlier to institute constipation home cure, the healthier it would be for you. The simplest solutions tend to be the best and there is no difference here, a lot of fluid, exercise, and a high fibre diet should do the trick.

A High fibre diet is the best Detox Body Cleansing technique which you can do for your constipation. How does fiber alleviate your problem? Fiber rich foods are passed through the digestive system to the small intestines where the nutrients are employed by the body while the indigestible portion becomes waste. The fibre that is in the food adds bulk to be stool, and as long as enough water is being consumed, this softened stool is able to be eliminated easily.

By eating a diet that is full of fibre, you can prevent constipation from occurring in the very first place. You also have avoiding eating processed and fatty foods at the same time as eating a diet of high fibre. There are many natural products that contain large amounts of fibre including fresh vegetables and fruit, and grains that have not been processed. You are giving your body the most effective chance of long-term regularity of bowel movements and healthy digestion. There are so many products on the market which you can use such as Bowtrol Colon Cleanse.

However, just eating foods that happen to be high fibre is not going to be enough. Analyzing your fluid intake is your next. Bear in mind that too much food without water will cause bloating and flatulence. The recommended quantity of fluid intake is eight glasses every day. The juices from vegetables and fruits are nutritious and healthy fluids. Don't believe every fluid which you drink is likely to be good for your digestive system; some drinks are able to actually stimulate constipation. Drinks that you should be avoiding include coffee and tea, anything with alcohol, and carbonated sodas. Drinking juices is best done in the morning. Include a glass of fresh fruit juice as part of your breakfast.

Exercise is your next constipation home remedy. You must rise up off that couch. The number one method of making sure your stools are mobile is to get mobile yourself. There's no need to go all out to try and be a marathon runner. There are a good amount of different types of exercise you can try. Just get up and dance, run, skip, jump, or merely do the household chores, you just should rise up and do things. Sitting on the settee and watching TV is not going to do anything for you. If you ought to watch TV, do something while you are doing it and in many cases mild stretching is exercising. Does this sound rational?

You should first try to alter these three things in your life. If after you have tried these three constipation home remedies is then it's time to get some outside help. Visiting your doctor will eliminate the possibility that there are underlying causes of your constipation problems. There are plenty of medications that can be found which can cause constipation. The use of laxatives as a constipation remedy must be avoided as much as possible. Although they seem innocent enough, some laxatives are able to be habit forming and are able to cause you to become dependent. Suppositories are not a good solution either.

Constipation Cure

So, you will discover that instigating your own Constipation Remedies at home is normally very simple and effective. Take these tips and use them within your everyday life to battle your constipation. What have you got to lose? Nothing really! You will not just prevent constipation, you will even promote a healthy life. Look for reviews of products such as Bowtrol before you purchase.

Constipation Remedies Ensuring Stool Consistency

Read through Flush Constipation Away! Natural Remedies and Cures to Combat Constipation extra

Do you often find yourself suffering from symptoms of constipation? It's not a pleasant experience at all, trust me! However, there are many constipation remedies available to alleviate you of the pain and discomfort you experience when trying to go to the bathroom. But first, let's discuss what on earth constipation is, and the symptoms that it causes.

Constipation is a condition that will affect between 2-3% of people during their lifetime. Those suffering may find it incredibly difficult to pass excrement, and this can result in very serious concerns for their digestive system and overall well being. Constipation symptoms may also include distension of the stomach, excessive flatulence as well as the presence of hemorrhoids.

There are many causes for constipation, including poor dietary and exercise habits, as well as hormonal changes. Some may find they suffer from constipation due to sides effects from drug use, however, the most common cause is that the body absorbs too much water from food as it passes through the gastro-intestinal tract.

Constipation remedies may vary from changes in ones diet, as well as ensuring an adequate daily exercise program to maintain the correct biological-chemistry within the body. For instance, the body must have an adequate intake of fiber obtained from fresh fruit, vegetables and grains, in order to flush out the colon. Similarly, the patient is usually drinking too little water every day, and must increase the volume of liquid they ingest on a daily basis - usually the combination of increased fiber and water intake is enough to help with minor constipation symptoms. Finally, getting at least 20-30 minutes of exercise every day goes a long way in helping constipation, as it helps to move food more quickly through the digestive system.

However, in more severe cases, there is a usually a requirement to undergo more intensive constipation remedies, and patients must supplement themselves with herbal and bio-engineered supplements that are specifically designed to act as laxatives, to flush out the digestive system. These can be found at your local chemist or pharmacy.

It's time to bring this ailment into the public eye and destroy the stigma that seems to surround it. So, if you are suffering from constipation, remember that there are numerous constipation remedies available to end your pain and discomfort. Step out of the shadows and regain the freedom that has been taken away from you.

If you have any doubt about what constipation remedies would best suit your unique condition, please see your GP, and free yourself of your condition today!

Constipation Cure
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Flush Constipation Away! Natural Remedies and Cures to Combat Constipation

Study How Constipation Affects Your Colon and Health additional

How Constipation Affects Your Colon and Health


Seventy percent or more of the population struggles with constipation. Some believe the number is even higher, 80- 90%. The market for laxatives is now approaching 1 billion each year. It appears that constipation is an issue that most of us have to deal with at one time or the other. Using natural means to clear constipation is what this e-book is all about.

I believe that to have good health we need to use mostly foods and supplements that are free of additives and food enhancers that are harmful to the body. We need to eat the right foods and watch how we prepare them so we can digest and absorb them without creating or leaving residues that get turned into toxic matter in our colon.

The first question that a nutritionist or any other health practitioner should ask you on your first visit is, "how many bowel movements do you have each day or each week?"

If you visit a doctor, your colon is the last area they discuss with you. And perhaps, this is an area they may never discuss with you at all.

In his article, The Bowel is an Ecosystem, in Healthy & Natural Journal, April 1997, Majid Ali, M.D. recounts,

"When I returned to the clinical practice of environmental and nutritional medicine after years of pathology work, I began carefully testing the assertions of nutritionists, naturopaths and clinical ecologist who claimed that various types of colitis [a deterioration of your colon wall] could be reversed with optimal nutritional and ecologic approaches. To my great surprise, I found that such professionals, who are usually spurned by drug doctors, were right after all. My patients responded well to the unscientific therapies vehemently rejected by my colleagues in drug medicine."

Without good regular bowel movements and colon function, you will create various illnesses, colon discomforts, and diseases - including constipation.

By concentrating on eliminating constipation and preserving colon health, you can take a major step in preventing many body conditions and illnesses that can shorten your life or make your senior years a miserable time.

As with so many past health practitioners, I believe your colon is so important that any improvement you can make in your colon's health will help you avert many unnecessary illnesses and suffering. If you make only one effort in improving your health, it should be towards creating a clean and healthy colon.

Heart attacks, cancers, senility, pathogenic organisms and so on cause most deaths that occur in the US and throughout the world. There are few deaths related to natural causes or old age.

Your colon provides nutrients and water to all parts of the body. So, when a specific organ has degenerated it is important to see what part colon toxins have played in this degeneration.

If your colon is toxic, the blood will also be toxic. If your colon is toxic, these toxins will gradually reach all parts of your body through the blood and lymph liquid. The result is the body and various organs affected will become less efficient. Overtime this decreased efficiency will cause the body will become diseased and you will lose your good health.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Colon Health Go here for more free tips: Constipation Tips

Go through What is Constipation much more


Constipation is a condition that causes irregular bowel movements that are painful or difficult, or stools that are hard in consistency. Irregular bowel movements alone do not mean you are constipated because bowel frequency can vary between three times a day to once a week among normal people. Therefore, hard stools that are difficult to pass or infrequent stools accompanied by abdominal pain, back pain, and abdominal bloating define real constipation. Other symptoms of constipation include feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and sluggish. Constipation may be acute or chronic. Acute constipation begins suddenly and conspicuously. Chronic constipation may begin insidiously and persist for months or years.

The number of bowel movements usually get less with age. Ninety-five percent of adults have bowel movements between three and 21 times per week, and this is considered normal. The most common pattern is one bowel movement a day, but this pattern is seen in less than half of people. Moreover, most people are irregular and do not have bowel movements every day or the same number of bowel movements each day. A person with constipation often or always produces hard stools that may be difficult to pass. The person also may feel as though the rectum has not been completely emptied. Bowel movements are likely to be infrequent as well. Many people believe they are constipated if they do not have a bowel movement every day. However, daily bowel movements are not normal for everyone, and having less frequent bowel movements does not necessarily indicate a problem unless there has been a substantial change from previous patterns. The same is true of the color and consistency of stool; unless there is a substantial change, the person probably does not have constipation.

How to relieve constipation?

Even though constipation is an embarrassing subject, about which many refuse to talk this condition affects everyone at some point. In fact, some people live with chronic constipation. This is classified by persistent difficultly with passing stools. Many factors contribute to constipation. In some instances, the reasons are clear-cut and easily resolved by making certain dietary adjustments. For example, people with poor eating habits are more prone to constipation as opposed to a person who eats a healthy portion of fruits and vegetables. Of course, too much of a good thing can also cause problems. For this matter, consuming too much fiber may also cause constipation.

Constipation is defined as the condition in which a person finds difficulty in passing stools and has a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. These stools usually become dry and hard causing them difficult to eliminate. If treated on time constipation is not dangerous. But if left untreated it can become chronic. But how to treat or relieve constipation? This is the question asked by majority of the people suffering from constipation. Here is the answer for it. There are many ways for relieving constipation.

Diet is the most common home remedy for relieving constipation. Water is the best liquid for relieving constipation as it plays an important role in keeping the intestines working well. Drink a glass of water early in the morning or add a teaspoonful of honey in it and drink it at night before going to bed. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water everyday. Keeping the water overnight in a copper vessel and drinking it in the morning gives better results. Take a glass of water with lemon juice and pinch of salt in it. Take a glassful of warm milk with a teaspoonful of ghee in it when going to bed. This also helps in relieving constipation.

However always consult your doctor or medical professional if if you are unwell.

Robert is webmaster at [http://www.dietwell.co.uk]

What is Constipation