Go through Constipation? Bowel Conditions? Try the Asian Approach to a Healthy Evacuation more

There's a wide range of products to choose from these days to help improve your health one way or another. Yet every so often something appears head and shoulders above the rest that is neither expensive, works exceedingly well and is a one-off purchase.

This technique...

• helps you achieve effective squatting position

• allows more effective and complete bowel elimination

During the 1970's I was working in Brunei, North Borneo. In one of the local language papers a photo of the Minister of Health was reproduced with him squatting on a toilet (fully dressed I might add) to show people how the body should be angled when evacuating. There was such a public outrage to this photo that it was quickly retracted. Pity, as he was quite correct but like all politicians, would do anything to avoid bad press.

When we sit, our body does not fully enter elimination mode, so when sat on the loo we end up straining to force the faeces past the puborectalis muscle. This puts our abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, and the blood vessels surrounding the rectum, under a great deal of pressure. Ultimately, excessive straining can lead to haemorrhoids, bladder weakness and, if the muscles become too damaged, incontinence.

Not only this, but when sitting to defecate we don't usually manage to have a complete elimination, and faeces remains in our bowels which can cause a build-up. This prevents our bodies from being able to absorb all the necessary nutrients from our food. Built-up faeces can also cause serious irritation and cause the lining of the bowel to become inflamed, and can even cause infection which can lead to bowel disease and appendicitis.

The only real solution to this problem is to change our toilet habits, or more specifically, the position we put our bodies in to sit. Squatting is essential for comfortable and complete bowel elimination, and this technique is the perfect aid.

By putting the body into a natural squatting position, it's a healthier and more complete way to 'do your business' It's a great treatment for constipation and haemorrhoids and can help to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place. makes perfect sense for people with many types of bowel conditions that could be improved simply by putting your body into a better squatting position on the toilet. If you've had a poor bowel condition for years, it may be the one change you need to make to get a better result.

Graeme Dinnen runs Resources For Life in England. He has worked to resolve poor bowel conditions for the past 18 years. For more information on this technique:


Constipation? Bowel Conditions? Try the Asian Approach to a Healthy Evacuation
