Go through Best Cure For Constipation - What is the Top Natural Cure For Constipation? far more

Best Cure For Constipation - What is the Top Natural Cure For Constipation?

Constipation Cure

The best cure for constipation is clearly identified in the act of increasing your daily fiber intake. If you are consuming a diet that does not contain the right kinds of fiber that you need to remain regular you are bound to get constipation. There are two distinct types of fiber that you can consume including:

Soluble Fiber
Insoluble Fiber
Soluble Fiber

Foods that contain the soluble form of fiber can be more easily digested since they break down quickly in the stomach and intestinal tract. Vegetables and/or fruits that are not quite ripened or that are harvested early on have higher levels of soluble fiber and popular foods containing high amounts of this type of fiber include figs and prunes. Figs and prunes, either dried or fresh can be consumed as a natural remedy for hard stools. This type of fiber intake is recommended daily, until the constipation issue subsides.

Insoluble Fiber

Just as unripe vegetables and/or fruits have high levels of fiber that are soluble, ripe fruit has less soluble fiber and more insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is excellent for naturally providing the roughage needed to bulk up stools so that they can be passed with ease. Insoluble fiber does not really have many changes as it moves through the body, and by consuming ripe fruits, vegetables, and whole grains you can get all natural forms of this kind of fiber too.

Your Daily Requirements

Experts suggest that you consume at least twenty to thirty-five grams of fiber daily. This can be gained by eating anywhere from five to nine helpings of veggies and fruits, and 1 1/2 servings of whole grain products. Foods high in natural fiber include things like instant cereal, Bulgar, Barley, Oat Bran, foods made with wheat flour, beans, and foods made with Buckwheat flour. You can also consider fiber supplementation too that can be mixed with water or juice and consumed once per day to ensure regular bowel movements. There are different types of fiber supplementation available, all of which are affordable and easy to consume.

You should really not try to over complicate things.  The bottom line is that the best cure for constipation is taking in more fiber.  However, that said, there are other things you can do as well to get things moving even quicker in the right direction.

Are you sick and tired of having to cope everyday with your problems with constipation? What you probably don't realize is that part of your problem might be to do with the foods that cause constipation. Maybe you are eating something that is triggering the problem and you don't even realize it yet. To claim your free report of the foods that cause constipation, and discover some of the things that doctors fail to tell you CLICK HERE now.