Read through Constipation Remedies - Biofeedback, Probiotics, and Acupressure a lot more

We need to make regular bowel movements ideally one or even twice per day to help eliminate wastes and keep our bodies in balance. Constipation is the disruption of natural bowel movements and can affect most people at one time or another. There are many reasons for constipation and many constipation remedies which are very effective at treating this problem. We'll discuss a few interesting therapies which have good results.

1. Biofeedback - Biofeedback therapy seems to help people who suffer from constipation caused by pelvic floor dysfunction. This is a condition where the pelvic floor muscles do not function properly and can be caused by obesity, an enlarged prostate, or can occur after childbirth.

Biofeedback techniques are used to teach the patient how to use his/her muscles more effectively to defaecate and relieve the constipation symptoms. In a number of studies, it has been found that 70% of the patients have found good relief.

The tests which have been conducted compared biofeedback training where the patient had one session per week for weeks against laxatives. All these patients had previously tried fiber supplements as well as enemas or suppositories with minimal success.

After six months of training, it was found that the biofeedback sessions were more effective than the laxative. These benefits lasted for at least two years following treatment.

2. Probiotics is another remedy which has good results. Probiotics which includes the organism called lactobacillus acidophilus are naturally present in the digestive tract. There is some good evidence that the probiotic supplements may improve constipation.

In one study, a probiotic drink resulted in significant improvement in the severity of constipation and stool consistency. However it has not been equally effective for all patients. In another study in children, the results showed minimal to no improvement.

3. Acupressure - This ancient healing practice involves the application of finger pressure to specific points on the body.

Acupressure has been used to successfully treat constipation by applying pressure to the large intestine 4 point. You can find acupressure techniques which can be done from home by searching on the Internet. Just be careful and follow the directions exactly. Don't continue with the technique if there is any pain or discomfort and these methods should not be used on pregnant women.

4. Magnesium - A lack of this mineral has been shown to lead to constipation. The good news is that you can take in healthy levels of this important mineral by eating lots of green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

You can also take magnesium as a convenient supplement. Magnesium is needed to help enhance normal muscle function including intestinal muscles. So be sure to maintain healthy levels of this mineral in your body and you may avoid symptoms of constipation.

Constipation Cure

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Constipation Remedies - Biofeedback, Probiotics, and Acupressure

Constipation Cure