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While constipation can be a very serious issue, most of the treatment options can be much less severe than surgery or doctor visits. There are many constipation remedies that can cure the body of constipation and lead it to develop a perfectly normal schedule of bowel movements.

Most people effected by constipation have a mild case causes primarily through lifestyle choices and do not need to take the measures a person suffering with chronic constipation has to. Laxatives are the most used form of constipation relief by those who choose to solve the problem on their own. Laxatives tend to be fairly cheap and will help the body to a normal bowel movement. They are taken mostly in gum, tablets or liquids and will do a variety of tasks such as:

o Bulk forming laxatives- the safest form of laxative designed to make the stool softer allowing for easier elimination. They are taken with water to absorb into the intestine and prevent obstruction

o Osmotics- helps the body's fluids flow through the colon and cause bowel distention. People with diabetes should consult a physician before taking these laxatives because of electrolyte imbalances

o Lubricants- these laxatives enable stool to move through the intestines more easily and should stimulate a movement within 8 hours

o Chloride activators- help intestinal fluid increase to let stool pass. This aids in cutting back the pain and symptoms of constipation.

While laxatives are incredibly helpful for the majority of people, there are still those who choose other options and others that cannot take them due to other medicines they are taking.

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The main natural treatments for constipation are lifestyle and diet changes. These treatments are the most effective for minor constipation and will help your entire bodily systems through proper eating and consistent exercising. Obviously, an increase in fiber will help the body through bowel movements, just as limiting caffeine intake will prevent dehydration (which in turn aids treatment). The best and most influential treatment for constipation is the intake of fluids, water especially.

For the serious constipation issue, a colectomy may be required. Colectomy is a surgical operation that removes all or part of the colon. Incisions are made along the wall of the abdomen to help remove the affected parts of the colon. Other surgeries may be required to take away the toxins, which can invade the body due to an infected colon (the results of prolonged constipation).

The biggest thing to remember when beginning the process of constipation treatment is that treatment is always harder then prevention. It is important to spend the time, either before developing or after treating constipation, to stop it from ever happening again. Treating for constipation is possible and natural treatment is always the best option available. Constipation remedies will allow for development of a normal bowel cycle and can keep you from developing the symptom again.


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Constipation Remedies