Read Effective Natural Cure For Constipation a lot more

Effective Natural Cure For Constipation

Constipation Cure

If you are looking for a more natural cure for constipation, you came to the right place. But before anything else, we'll find out first why this condition happens and how it can be prevented.

Constipation is characterized by a decrease in bowel movement. Normally, we pass stool a minimum of three times in a week. Lesser than that can already mean you are experiencing this problem.

The stools of people affected by this condition are usually dry which makes it difficult to pass. It may lead to bloating of the stomach. Those who suffer from this also feel full even though they haven't eaten anything yet.

Unless this is experienced chronically, it is a normal occurrence in a person's life. Everyone experiences it at one point or another. In fact, this is the most common gastrointestinal problem of people in the US.

It is important to understand what causes this condition so that it can be avoided in the future. Here are some of the most common causes:

1. Lack of fiber intake
We take our daily fix of fiber when we eat fruits and vegetables and grains. But if we cut back on our supply of these foods and increase in our intake of fatty foods, our digestive system will not function well.

2. Not enough water intake
Water is important in our digestive functioning. This is needed to keep moisture in the stool; otherwise there will be difficulty in the passing of stool.

3. Frequent suppressing of bowel movement
When we suppress the urge to use the toilet, our body can get used to it. The next time we feel the need to urge, our body automatically suppresses it as is the usual habit.

4. Lifestyle changes
If you frequently travel, you are more prone to this problem. Pregnant women are also susceptible to this condition.

If this condition happens chronically, it may be a symptom of an underlying digestive disease. If no amount of natural methods can cure it, you should seek your doctor's advice.

Many people opt for over-the-counter medications as a cure for constipation. But other than this, there are more natural ways to treat this problem. Why don't you try herbal remedies and see if it works for you.

Aloe Vera
This remedy is as old as time and it has been a major choice of treatment for many digestive problems. Its juice contains natural mild laxative components.

This can improve the flow of bile to our large intestines to prevent digestive problems.

Taking this in tea form can provide immediate relief. This can also reduce muscle spasms.

This is a good remedy because it increases the water content of the intestines to help soften the stool for easier elimination.

Another cure for constipation can be found in the form of a product called Natural Moves. This product can aid in the functions of our digestive system and can promote normal bowel movements. Natural Moves helps us eliminate wastes in an easier way and prevents the recurrence of digestive problems.

It contains safe ingredients such as dandelion, Aloe ferox and passion flower which are carefully engineered to achieve optimum benefits with no side effects.

You should always have this cure for constipation all the time so that you can treat this problem immediately. Protect the functions of your digestive system by using these effective natural remedies.

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Understand Constipation Remedies - 12 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation a lot more

Constipation Cure

Read this Article to get complete Information on Home Remedies for Constipation

What is Constipation?

Constipation is a common digestive system trouble in which you have infrequent bowel movements or pass hard stools. Constipation is a sign, not an illness. It is the term used to mention difficulty going to the toilet or opening the bowels.

Constipation is not a pleasant feeling and sometimes linked with headache and lack of energy. Constipation affects almost each person at one time or another. Constipation is pretty common, and dissimilar things can cause it.

Causes of Constipation

Constipation is generally caused by disturbance of how the intestines work. Other causes of constipation are: Poor diet Lack of exercise not adequate fiber in diet, not sufficient liquids, irritable bowel syndrome, and changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, older age, travel.

Other causes are:

Abuse of laxatives

ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement

Specific diseases such as numerous sclerosis and lupus

Troubles with the colon and rectum

Home Remedies for Constipation

1) Boysenberry juice has a gentle natural laxative action on your bowel. When your constipation is not further severe this juice will help move things in your colon.

2) Cantaloupe is one of finest fruits you can eat. It is a source of many minerals and Vitamin A and C. It has sufficient quantity of fiber and is useful for constipation.

3) Flaxseed oil is a good Home Remedy for Constipation. Take 1 to 2 tablespoonsful with plenty of water right after lunch or dinner.

4) Drink an infusion of elderflower once daily, as needed.

5) Soak six dates in a glass of hot water; when cool, drink the water and eat the dates.

6) Epsom or Rochelle salts remedy. Drink a mixture of one teaspoonful in a half glass of water before going to bed. This is very bitter in taste, but it is very efficient. This is one more effective Home Remedy for Constipation.

7) Sauerkraut Drink an 8 ounce glass of warm sauerkraut juice followed immediately by an 8 ounce glass of grapefruit juice(unsweetened).

8) First thing in the morning drink a glass of warm water to which the juice of 1/2 a lime and 1 tsp honey has been added.

9) One more superior Home Remedy for Constipation. Soak 10-12 big raisins in a cup of milk and permit to boil, after that eats the raisins first then drink the milk. Do this every morning for 3-4 days till constipation gone.

10) For constipation cure eat 4 fig Newton's each day. It works in the same way exactly as prunes and raisins.

11) For constipation cure eat 1/3 to 1/2 cup of walnuts. You will have bowel movement within 6-7 hours. Doing this each day will stay constipation at bay.

12) Chickweed is an outstanding herb for relieving constipation within some hours. It helps strengthen the stomach and bowels and helps in the transfer of waste matters. This herb acts as a useful Home Remedy for Constipation.

The author is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Constipation at He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website.

Constipation Remedies - 12 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation Cure

Examine Treatment Options for Cat Constipation more


I had never heard of cat constipation until one of our cats had problems with it over a year ago. In fact, I took him to the doctor thinking he was having problems urinating because he would go in and out of the litter box all day long without any results. What I learned when I too him to the veterinarian is that cat constipation is not all that rare and that is often "misdiagnosed" by cat owners because it isn't talked about as much as urinary problems.

While any age cat can have constipation problems, must of the cases reported are for cats that are 8 years old or older (our cat was 10). Cats will typically have one to two bowel movement everyday, although some might have more or less. If a cat goes for three or more days with no bowel movement, it is likely an indication that there is a problem. By not treating cat constipation, you could seriously harm your pet. Cat constipation can be treated both medically and naturally. We chose the natural route, which worked for our cat.

Fortunately, our cat liked canned pumpkin, which is high in fiber, so we mixed it with his food. We also cut out dry cat food for awhile since wet cat food has more water in it. Water bowls were in every room of our house to encourage him to drink more water and we found that in front of the bay window was his favorite watering hole. We also read up on herbal remedies for cat constipation, but did not have to try them since he got better.

If your pet is experiencing cat constipation, you need to act now to help them get better. Consult with your veterinarian for ideas on how you can help alleviate the constipation. There are plenty of natural remedies for cat constipation that you can try to find the one that works for him.

For information on over 70 natural remedies for constipation, visit [].

Get your copy of 77 ways to alleviate constipation [] online now.

Treatment Options for Cat Constipation


Go through Homemade Recipes to Prevent Constipation far more


Find other items related to Home remedies to prevent constipation in our Health section.

Constipation is a common evil because people have become more sedentary (no exercise) and eat foods low in fiber. However, often develop constipation, also, in certain situations such as when traveling or when the person is a stressful time.

Stress enhances the typical constipation during pregnancy or on holiday by changes in eating habits.

It is important to know that constipation also may be a symptom of disease or conditions such as thyroid problems, gall bladder, menopause and others, see your doctor if the problem persists over time.

Flax seeds have excellent laxative and anti-inflammatory properties. Place two tablespoons of flax seeds in a cup of hot water and let stand for 12 hours to marinate. Once this time, it improves the taste with a little lemon or honey. We recommend taking it after lunch and before bed at night.

Homemade tomato jam
Wash and peel a kilo of tomatoes, chunks and remove all seeds. Bring the pieces and their juice in a saucepan and bring to simmer. Add sugar and let it heat for 45 minutes stirring frequently. Let cool and pack in a glass jar. Consume at breakfast.

Pears, beans, prunes and figs to prevent constipation
These foods have a fiber becomes like a gel in the gut and softens the waste. Include them in your daily diet. Be sure to drink enough water.

Olive oil and lemon
Every morning before breakfast for a cup of hot water mixed in with the juice of one lemon and one tablespoon of olive oil. We help keep the gut moving.

Papaya for Constipation
Fruit is very effective to relieve constipation, eating raw papaya every day preferably in the morning.

Warm water
Drink a glass of warm water with lime juice and half a teaspoon of salt. This will help stimulate the intestine.

Juices to end constipation

A homemade juice
Extract the juice of 2 oranges and a carrot and then mix. Remove the seeds from three prunes and add to the mix.

Lemon juice with oil
Squeeze half a lemon and add two tablespoons olive oil. Take this mixture fasted for nine days.

Corn anticonstipation
A good food to combat constipation is corn. You can take natural corn salad, but also maize meal for constipation properties. Corn is rich in fiber like vegetables and fruit favoring passage of food through the intestine.

Home Remedy Aloe Vera
Take every day a couple of tablespoons of aloe vera pulp mixed with honey.

Massage to Eliminate Constipation
Belly rub with olive oil in a circular motion, following clockwise. I also make a poultice of leaves of spinach and olive oil for that year.

Rooibos Tea
This great tasting tea is also very good for constipation.

Prunes for constipation
Soak six prunes in a glass of water all night and eat in the morning.

Drink a glass of warm water with honey at bedtime and another of cold water with honey in empty stomach.

Help in the toilet
When you sit on the toilet foot up on a bench so that the knees are higher than the pelvis. Another position is to assist the evacuation while sitting bend to the right.

Malva tea
Taking an infusion of hibiscus fasting diluted in a glass of warm water.

Final advice to manage constipation

There are three basic steps to be taken to avoid this problem.

Include more fiber in your diet. Increase consumption of vegetables, whole grains, dried fruits, natural fruits and vegetables of all varieties. (Starting with the bread).

Drink at least eight glasses of water or juice daily.

Exercise regularly
This coupled with quiet habits like eating, paying attention to the need to go to the bathroom and take the easy habit to accustom the body and prevent injuries, improve significantly the quality of life for those suffering from this nuisance.

Remember that a sedentary lifestyle, a diet low in fiber and rich in sugars and fats will result in safer and probably constipation hemorrhoids.

Homemade Recipes to Prevent Constipation

Go through Constipation and Gas - The Link Between Flatulence and Being Constipated far more

Constipation and gas have a definite connection. Constipation causes the person's stool to be hard, making it a challenge to pass. This can cause hemorrhoids and anal fissures, which can bring pain. The person experiences cramps and bowel sounds and flatulence, or gas.

There are different signs of constipation, including bowel movements that are infrequent at three times or less in a week, difficulty during a bowel movement due to the hard stools and the inability to complete the defecation.

Flatulence comes hand-in-hand with constipation. This gas happens when there is pressure through the anus, and this pressure exceeds the sphincter's ability to handle it. Flatulence can be present when feces are found in the rectum, so if a person is constipated, they are more likely to suffer from gas. The flatulence is more likely to have a foul odor when there is feces, or any bacteria present.

If the gas builds up, it can become painful for the individual and constipation is more likely to occur if flatulence is held inside.

A person can be constipated even if they experienced bowel movements on a daily basis. There are two types of stools on the Bristol Stool Chart that identify constipation. The first can be described as small lumps, similar to nuts, which are hard to pass. The second stool is sausage shaped but lumpy.

There is a type of constipation that is considered the most severe- obstipation. This is when the constipation becomes so bad that both feces and gas are prevented from passing.

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Constipation and Gas - The Link Between Flatulence and Being Constipated

Read A Constipation Remedy Using Potassium and Prunes much more

Potassium and prunes are a natural constipation remedy that you can quickly use to help you get constipation relief.

Potassium is needed in your colon walls to insure that peristaltic action occurs. Without potassium, colon walls are weak and unable to respond and contract properly when fecal matter needs to be move.

Potassium in your colon wall tissues brings in more oxygen, which is required for good cell function and elimination of toxins. In addition, potassium creates an alkaline environment inside and outside the cell, which help protect cell walls from bacteria, fungus, and other pathogens.

Potassium is a powerful source when it comes to cleaning, feeding and building your colon walls. Removing the thin layer of buildup - harden mucus, dried fecal matter, waste derby, heavy metals - against your colon wall can be accomplished by eating those foods that are high in potassium.

Excess buildup on your colon walls of fecal matter and toxins is a cause of continual constipation. This build up prevents your colon walls from functioning properly.

Potassium is necessary for reducing anxiety and depression. These conditions can affect peristaltic movements of your colon. Lack of it causes muscles and organs to sag and lack tone. Potassium, also, draws water out of the body. So when potassium is in your colon it attracts water and pulls it into the fecal matter. This makes your fecal matter softer and easier to move along the colon.

To get more potassium into your diet make a constipation remedy drink by:

Pouring hot water over dried prunes and waiting 10 minutes. Then eat the prunes and drink the juice Do this on an empty stomach in the morning.

The high concentration of potassium and vitamin A, in prunes, stimulates enzymatic processes. These processes melt down fecal wall wastes and dissolve blockages. They also activate peristaltic action to move this waste out through your rectum.

The foods to eat that are high in potassium are:

Kale, cabbage, yellow tomatoes, spinach, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, cauliflower, alfalfa sprouts, goat milk, sesame seeds, wheat germ brewers yeast, flax seed, grapes, green peppers, pineapple, beets, potatoes with skin, Blackstrap molasses.

If you have any kidney disease, do not take potassium supplements unless directed by your doctor.

If you are pregnant, take potassium only under a doctor's direction.

If you are on any type of drugs, do not take potassium unless directed by your doctor.

When you have constipation it is best to take potassium supplement. Once you have your constipation eliminated back off on the potassium you are taking and depend on your potassium dose from the foods you eat.

My recommended Potassium dose is 1000 - 3000 mg each day taken with meals.


Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Constipation Remedy Go here for more free tips: Constipation Tips

A Constipation Remedy Using Potassium and Prunes

Understand Top 3 Solutions For a Constipation Treatment much more

Are you looking for a good constipation treatment? Do you suffer from constipation every now and then? But you are not sure which the best treatment for constipation is. The best treatment for constipation is the natural treatment. The best feature of the natural treatment is that it would not have any side effects.

You can take this treatment even at home. But if you are suffering from constipation for a long time and nothing is helping you then you need to consult a doctor. He will be the best person to suggest you about your next step. If required he might even give you some medications.

For regular and constipation free bowel movements you also need to take care of your diet. There are three ways by which you can start your constipation treatment.

- The first solution to treat constipation is drinking Aloe Vera juice. You can take the aloe vera supplement to get rid of your chronic constipation. Other than the supplement you can even drink half cup of aloe vera juice twice everyday. This will help you to soften the bowel and will also help you have regular and smooth bowel movements.

- The next solution for constipation is to boost up the fiber content in your diet. This can be done by drinking the fiber shakes everyday. The fiber shake can be made by mixing psyllium seed husks or even the powder and flax powder. This will not only help in your bowel function but will also have an effect on your overall health. To have a good bowel movement you need to have at least 40 grams of fiber each day.

- You also need to drink enough water so that the fiber itself does not harden inside the colon. Finally you need to drink magnesium oxide. This will make the bowel movement much easy and quick. Use this as constipation treatment.


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Top 3 Solutions For a Constipation Treatment

Read Constipation - Natural Treatments much more

Constipation is a problem that so many suffer from but don't like to discuss. In extreme cases it can be extremely painful and affect the daily routine of your life. Most cases of constipation can be treated with a good healthy diet and regular exercise.


Hard or inadequate bowel movements. Some side effects of inadequate, infrequent or incomplete bowel movements are discomfort, abdominal pain, headaches, nausea, anxiety and in extreme cases, pain when urinating.

Ideally, people should have one bowel movement every day, although this can vary according to diet, stress and physical activity.


Constipation can be caused by numerous things including stress, insufficient fibre in the diet, not enough liquid intake, excess protein, refined foods, or no exercise. It can also be caused by the under functioning of the liver or thyroid.

Other causes include pregnancy, metabolic disorders, structural abnormalities, antacids, old age and constant use of laxatives. Constipation can also be a side effect of some medications.

Sudden blockages, bleeding or changes in bowel habits must be checked by a medical practitioner.


Constipation generally can be treated by changing to a well balanced diet high in fibre with at least 6-8 glasses of water daily and regular exercise.

A glass of hot water with the juice of half a lemon squeezed into it, especially when taken in the morning can be very beneficial, especially if followed by a walk.


Aloe gel ~ Dandelion ~ Psyllium ~ Senna ~ Yellow dock ~ Chamomile (to relax intestinal muscles)

An ideal breakfast would be fruit such as prunes or figs with cereal and rice bran. Another suggestion would be buckwheat seeds cooked with raisins, apple and cinnamon. Rice bran is preferred over wheat bran as wheat bran can be difficult to digest and can also contribute to haemorrhoids. For most people, bran acts as a fibre laxative but for sensitive people it can actually cause constipation and bloating, especially when fluid intake is inadequate. If these breakfasts don't appeal, you can try any cereal with some psyllium powder sprinkled over.

Other dietary suggestions

Raw vegetables such as sliced zucchini and grated beetroot as well as salad foods are good to relieve constipation. Broccoli, beans and cauliflower are better steamed for a few minutes to avoid flatulence. Beetroot is also good to find out your transit time - the length of time your digestive system takes to digest, absorb and eliminate foods. Ideally you should see the colour of the beetroot in your stools within 24 hours. Make your own salad dressing with a spoonful of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice, but keep in mind this can be high in calories so don't use too much. Olive oil stimulates the gallbladder and also acts as lubrication.

Tissue Salts

Kali Mur - for mucous membranes Nat Mur - for regulating fluid Nat Sulph - for 'toxic' bowel

Constipation can also be caused from repeatedly ignoring the urge to defecate for reasons such as running late, or unwillingness to use public toilets. This type of constipation can start in childhood due to being busy playing or watching a DVD and then becomes a habit. It is very important in children to make sure they use their bowels regularly to avoid long term constipation problems.


Maintain a well balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain regular bowel movements. If this doesn't work and constipation is still a problem consult a medical practitioner to see if there are any physical causes such as under active thyroid or liver.


Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Constipation []

Constipation - Natural Treatments


Study Constipation Remedies - Most Effective Hard Stool Treatment additional

Constipation is a problem related with the secretion of stools. It is a gastro intestinal trouble. It decreases the frequency of bowel movements. When someone is facing this problem, his stools are hard and dry or infrequent. These symptoms suggest that there is a problem with metabolism. Constipation stops the body from flushing out the toxins. If constipation remains for long time, toxins might flow in the other parts of the body and it can raise serious health problems.

Like any other disorder constipation also shows some symptoms. These symptoms can easily lead us to the related problem. It is a symptom of constipation when there is a feeling of incomplete evacuation right after visiting toilet. If someone has to use certain techniques such as finger evacuation or manipulation of lower abdomen must seek medical supervision. Other symptoms are, excessive strain while passing stool, hard stool or feeling of rectal blockage. People with following symptoms must consult a doctor; thin stools, pain in abdomen, blood in stool, weight loss, diarrhea, when this symptoms persist you must seek medical supervision as soon as possible.

Hard stools or dry stools are results of improper muscular contraction of colon. There are some factors which can help to understand the cause of this disorder. Dehydration or poor fluid intake or low fiber diet will lead to constipation. These are most common causes of constipation. Spinal injury, electrolyte imbalance, intestinal obstruction, imbalance of hormones, intake of certain medications might cause constipation. There are some remedies that can help in constipation.

1. Water and other liquids such as fruit juices will help in the process of healing. Liquid keeps the stool soft and thus, stool will pass easily. However, selection of liquid must not include alcohol, drinks rich with caffeine like tea or coffee and carbonated beverages.

2. Chlorella Green Algae is a nutritional powerhouse. It is easy to digest and easily assimilates through digestive tract. It nourishes the intestine and soothes and heals the mucous lining. It helps the body to detoxify and purifies digestive system.

3. Barley is a natural laxative. It is very effective on constipation. First of all, take some seeds of barley in one and half glass of water; boil this water for five to eight minutes. Drain the remaining water with a clean cloth. When this water cools down, drink it. It will stimulate bowel movements and stool secretion will be soft and easy.

4. Aloe Vera juice is another effective remedy to heal the constipation. According to medical researches, aloe juice contains anthroqinone and glycosides; these are active components in most of the laxative. Aloe juice is to be taken twice in a day. Drink half cup of aloe vera juice early in the morning and another half cup at night, before going to bed.

We must keep in mind that only remedies or medication cannot cure any disorder or disease. One has to be aware about the problem he is suffering from. Improvement in lifestyle is the key ingredient for healthy life. Drink adequate amount of water, prefer to eat food that is rich in fiber, work out regularly and reduce stress. All this will be helpful to heal constipation. It is very important to keep digestive system healthy. Digestive system is the powerhouse of whole body. Stool is the byproduct and it need to be dumped out completely, otherwise it will cause problem. Above mentioned remedies are very effective for cleansing of bowels. When these remedies are paired with improvement in lifestyle, these remedies will turn out to be a boon for digestive system and it will heal the constipation completely.

Constipation Cure

Read about effective Constipation Treatment. Also know about High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatment.

Constipation Remedies - Most Effective Hard Stool Treatment

Read through Dog Constipation much more

Constipation is the most common cause of dyschezia. As you read on, this article will tell you how to fight this disease so your dog can regain its health.

Look for the following symptoms of constipation in your dog:

1. The dog will feel uneasy or uncomfortable when trying to pass feces.

2. The dog may find it difficult to pass feces.

There are several different causes of dog stranguria and at times it may as well happen for no apparent reason. Having said that, one of the most common reasons for constipation causing dyschezia is the lack of fibre in the body. The fibre makes the feces softer and thus it becomes easier to pass through the dog's body. Other symptoms for this include:

1. Grooming more than normal may result in excess hair which causes itching and scratching and results in harder feces.

2. Rectal diverticulum. This is where the dog pushes against walls of the rectum next to the anus which have become weak and stretched and due to this any pushing against it may cause a bulge to develop and further pushing against this bulge will produce a pocket and the feces will have nowhere to go. The pain will gradually increase as feces are passed because every time this happens the pocket will become larger and the feces will come hard and dry.

3. Painful obstructions which result in scraping in the rectum such as chicken bones may make the dog not want to pass feces due to the pain.

4. Other conditions which include rectal and colitis tumors or growths.

In most cases your vet will lower the mass of the feces by pumping some sort of fluid into the rectum helping to release the blockage. After the enema the vet will probably want to examine the feces in order to find the problem and choose an appropriate prevention method for future cases of dyschezia.

If the problem is hair then conditions such as fleas or mites may be what has caused the disease and thus should be cured first in order to treat the disease. The same is the case when colitis or rectal growths are the problems.

If due to the straining caused by passing of the feces the dog feels weak or is struck by hernia then an operation may be conducted to correct this condition.


For more information on dog constipation or Canine Health take a look at this Dog Training website.

Dog Constipation


Read through Causes and Effective Home Remedies For Constipation far more

Constipation Cure

Constipation is a common disorder of bowel. The causes are multifaceted. However, there are different treatments or remedies in the meantime that will result in some form of relief for anyone who has got constipation. In this article, we will focus a lot more on the natural home remedies useful in this disease relief around us.

Home remedies for constipation are a safe and effective way to get relief without upsetting your digestive system or introducing harsh chemicals that can produce side effects. Following are the few home remedies:

Spinach - Raw spinach contains the finest organic material for the cleansing, regeneration and reconstruction of the intestinal tract. Prepare mixture of spinach, Mix 100 ml spinach juice with an equal quantity of water. Take this juice twice daily to cure the constipation within a few days.

Triphala - Triphala is a well known herbal remedy for constipation cure. Triphala is made of natural herbs like haritaki, amalaki and bibhitaki. It helps in colon cleansing and relieving constipation.

Mango: Take one mango in the morning right after brushing and before breakfast. Also take one mango at night after dinner before you to bed. Mangoes are very helpful bowel movers.

Spiegel: Prepare a mixture of Spiegel seeds and warm milk. This is done by dipping 5-10grams of Spiegel seeds in 200mls of lukewarm milk. Add sugar in this and you have for yourself a highly effective treatment method for constipation.

Cabbage: Grind cabbage and prepare a juice. Take half a cup of cabbage juice twice daily. This is very effective home remedies in treating and curing constipation.

Water: Drink 6-8 glass water regularly. At least 6 full glasses of water a day would be very great and therapeutic. Large amounts of water aids quick digestion and allow easier bowel movement. Get half a glass of water and mix one-quarter of Epsom salts with it. It is very effective and safe home remedies for constipation relief.

Papaya, orange, grapes, guava, pear, and bael fruit are natural laxatives that function as stimulant to bowel movement; hence they can be effective home remedies for constipation.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Read more Constipation Home Remedies to get natural relief. Also find easy and effective Gastritis Home Remedies.

Causes and Effective Home Remedies For Constipation

Constipation Cure

Read through Home Remedies for Cats With Constipation far more

Is your cat experiencing hard, compacted stools that are difficult or painful to pass, no bowel movement or the urge to move bowels, abdominal bloating, cramps or abdominal pain and loss of appetite? Chances are it is suffering from constipation. Fortunately, there are a number of effective home remedies for cats with constipation which can cure the problem and reduce any discomfort associated with it.


Constipation develops when waste becomes clogged inside the colon. If waste is not removed and stays in the colon for too long, it can result in toxins and harmful bacteria leaking into the body, causing other health problems. That is why regular elimination of waste products is vital for your cat's health.

Constipation can result from a number of factors but diet is the most important one. A diet low in fibre and insufficient water intake combined with an inactive lifestyle are often to blame. You can prevent constipation in your cat by ensuring it eats a healthy diet. And regular exercise will help not only keep your cat fit and healthy but will help with digestion as well.


Therefore one of the most effective home remedies for cats with constipation is to feed a balanced diet; ideally raw rather than processed food. Avoid dry food altogether for the time being as it contains very little moisture. Adding a tablespoon of olive oil to your cat's food a couple of times a week will help to maintain regular bowel movements and also keeps the fur glossy.

One teaspoon of canned pumpkin or half a teaspoon of wheat bran added to the food will add additional fibre which helps softening the stool and brings relief. Psyllium husk and green oats provide a similar result and feeding probiotics will balance the consistency of the stool.

Sufficient liquid intake is also important. Ensure your cat has access to fresh drinking water at all times. Some cats don't like chlorinated or fluorinated water. If yours falls into this category, give filtered or bottled water. You cannot force a cat to drink, so in order to ensure your cat gets enough fluid, you can pour some water over the food. Avoid soaking it though as this is not very appetising.

Herbal remedies

Herbal home remedies for cats with constipation can also be used to great effect to cure constipation. One remedy you can easily make yourself is a tisane of wild chicory. Give one dropperful, twice a day. In addition, sprinkle a pinch of plantain seeds into water and give three times daily.

Alternatively, you can give one dropperful of a walnut leave tisane or a tisane made from fennel shoots, three times a day. Fennel shoots can also be chopped and fed raw to your cat. Dried figs coated in honey and given as a pill are another great home remedy for cats with constipation.


If your cat lives mainly indoors, keep the litter box clean at all times. Cats are clean creatures and a dirty litter box can discourage it from using the toilet.


Cats also need exercise. Activity is good as it stimulates digestion of food and bowel movements. If your cat is not naturally very active, encourage it with some exiting cat games.

The above home remedies for cats with constipation will bring effective relief from the symptoms and take care of the problem naturally.

Constipation Cure

Monika Ruthe is a complementary therapist and the creator of an online information resource on natural and home remedies for cats. To discover the best remedies for other common ailments and learn how to use them visit

Home Remedies for Cats With Constipation

Constipation Cure

Go through 5 Natural Home Constipation Remedies more

Constipation Cure

We have all been constipated at some point in our lives. It is typically uncomfortable, but it can be downright painful! Do you hate taking over the counter laxatives? Home constipation remedies might be more your style. These 5 home healing remedies can help with a one-time issue or a recurring problem.

1. Drink Enough Water: The recommended amount of water per day is 8 glasses. Water and other healthy liquids help your body stay hydrated, flush out toxins and also help with digestion. If you are not getting enough water, you can become constipated. Spice your water up by adding a splash of fruit juice, a slice of lemon, or trying flavored seltzer water for some bubbles.

2. Yogurt: There are plenty of yogurt brands on the market with live active cultures and cultures specifically to aid in digestion, regularity, and add fiber. A serving a day of this yogurt can help you stay regular by making sure you get an adequate amount of fiber.

3. Exercise Regularly: Although exercise is great for your general health, regular exercise also aids in digestion.

4. Prunes: Although prunes may sound and/or taste disgusting, prunes are a time-honored home constipation remedies. You can mix the juice with other juice or drink if you need to, or eat dried prunes you can buy at the store.

5. Eat Fiber: No matter what home healing remedies you use, if your diet is lacking in fiber, you might become constipated. Fiber-rich foods include: fruit, nuts, seeds, vegetables and some fiber fortified foods like yogurt, granola, oatmeal, and even cereals. You can also get additional fiber in the form of a powdered mix supplement you can add to water or another beverage. The most popular mixes are Metamucil which is typically an orange flavored powder and the newer Benefiber which is touted to have no flavor and dissolve seamlessly. While powders help, eating fiber and drinking an adequate amount of water remain the best home constipation remedies.

For a comprehensive list of home constipation remedies, please check out the InfoZooms home healing remedies center.

5 Natural Home Constipation Remedies

Constipation Cure

Understand Newborn Constipation - Treatment Methods and Tips far more

So your baby has not been able poop for quite a while and you are absolutely worried like a good parent should. How do you cope with newborn constipation? Better still, how do you treat your infant's constipation without any side effects? Constipation in infants and newborn babies can be a very frightening experience for parents who are experiencing it for the very first time.This is not unusual given the fact that parents are aware of the dangers involved in the body's tendency to reabsorb the toxins deposited in the colon.
First, you need to know what caused your baby's constipation. Constipation in babies is caused by various factors. Chief among them is the switch from breast milk to formula. Also, you might want to check if the baby is eating properly. If your baby still passes meconium three days after its delivery, it probably indicates that the baby is not eating very well. The weather also plays a big role in determining how frequently the child would "go". Babies have been known to be unable to poop for three days on end in hot weathers.
Another cause of newborn constipation is the formula you use in the feeding of the baby. The baby might be reacting to the different types of formula if you switch formulas suddenly. So, if after switching formulas you notice the infant has started constipating, then it is probably due to the formula you are feeding the infant with. You can also change the quantity of formula you give the baby at a point in time and increase or decrease the frequency of feeding with formula. Also increase the quantity of water you give to the baby. If the baby shows any sign of improvement in bowel movements, know that it was as a result of inadequate water intake. You might also want to consult with your pediatrician as regards the quantity of iron in the formula.
Note that infants need more iron; therefore it is important that you are certain of the quantity of iron it needs before you go on a low iron diet as a means of treating any newborn constipation. Also, you can try bathing the baby in an infant tub with the water a little above the stomach level. While bathing, try massaging the stomach. Sometimes, it could just happen that the baby might just "go" right there and then. If you try all these and they don't work, you need more help. There are lots of easy alternative cures to newborn constipation.


Did you know that constipation could kill your baby within 2 weeks? You could treat all the symptoms and think your baby is dying because of the toxins reabsorbed from its poop. Newborn Constipation Remedies provides an effective guide to eliminating the root cause of constipation for you and your baby and cleanses your baby's bowels completely of constipation and other related conditions like IBS. Visit to learn how to eliminate your infant's constipation and keep your baby alive.

Newborn Constipation - Treatment Methods and Tips

Go through Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation extra

Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation

Constipation Cure

Constipation, why do we get constipated, and what can we do about it?  Constipation is an all too common digestive complaint, with symptoms of course, of the inability to have a bowel movement or having to strain to pass stools that are dry and hard. Most people normally have a bowel movement from a couple of time a day to a couple of times a week. If you are less frequent than this or find you have difficulty having a bowel movement and if you pass dry hard stools than you very well may be constipated.

Constipation effects nearly everyone at one time or another, with over 5 million people suffering from chronic or severe constipation. Constipation can have many causes, including, insufficient water intake, lack of exercise, poor diet, ignoring the urge to go, some medications and/or supplements can cause constipation, changes in your life or routine, surgeries, pregnancy, stress, hormonal disorders, and some conditions that can effect the central nervous system, colon, bowels, rectum, or digestive tract.

Constipation tends to be more common as we age, and in women more than men. Whether you are irregular infrequently or suffer from chronic or severe constipation, you may get relief through simply making a few lifestyle changes (visit my site for the specifics.) There are many all natural herbs that can help you find relief from your constipation, such as, licorice, Aloe Vera, garlic, caffeine, and many others. Visit my site for a complete list. Some vitamins and supplements can also prove helpful in relieving and sometimes virtually eliminating constipation (MSM- taken to help joint function can provide lasting relief from constipation.) If you suffer from constipation, be aware there are many very effective, all natural, homeopathic, remedies and cures, that will offer quick and lasting relief with a much less chance of dependence than OTC (over the counter) alternatives!     

If you need to fine relief from constipation, please visit my page devoted to this condition at

Or visit my main site at Natural Home Remedies And Cures

Examine Constipation in Women - How to Cure the Bloating and Get Relief much more

Constipation Cure

When you get constipation, you don't know what is happening to your body. All you know is that you are extremely uncomfortable, and sometimes in a state of pain. Your body isn't agreeing with you and it is causing all sorts of turmoil. You really want some relief but you just don't know what to do.

So many women will seek the help of a doctor, but a doctor will just give you a prescription for a laxative. You don't want to take some medication that is going to force you to be on a toilet for a day straight. You are looking for a fast acting solution to help get rid of the bloating and to give relief from constipation in women.

A lot of women feel constipation the most during their menstrual cycle. This makes sense because the body is going through lots of changes. Hormones change and the uterus sheds, causing all sorts of stomach problems for women. Constipation is a problem that most women feel during this time and it only adds to the state of discomfort. This is when you needed some help more than ever and luckily, you can make that happen with some natural remedies.

Exercise is a great way to stay on top of constipation. This may sound like a ridiculous technique, but it actually helps to keep your body limber, in shape and loose. This works in your favor for constipation relief because it will loosen up the stool in your body that is having a hard time coming through. If you pair exercise, such as yoga, which relaxes the body, with drinking copious amounts of water, this can be a big help for you. The exercise helps to relax you and calm your body and mind, while drinking all of that water stops your body from dehydration and helps to loosen you up.

When you are dehydrated, your stool is as well and it can be really dry and sticky. This is one of the biggest reasons that women are dehydrated. Women just don't get enough water in their systems and they mistake coffee, soda and tea for liquids. These don't contribute to your body and they don't help in anyway.

Practice yoga and drink lots of water and you will notice some very positive changes in your body. This is a great way to get constipation relief in women and to get rid of bloating as well.

To find out more about how to cure your constipation problem naturally, this Helpful Site!

Constipation in Women - How to Cure the Bloating and Get Relief

Study Understanding the Underlying Causes of Chronic Constipation much more

Constipation is considered as one of the most common medical condition experienced by people but remains one of the least treated problems. Much of this is due to the relative frequency of constipation and the fact that symptoms tend to be relatively minor and limited to infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stool.

The consequences of constipation are relatively minor and can be easily corrected when the cause is one of the following: traveling, recent change in diet, dehydration, reaction to new medication, or missing or withholding a bowel movement. But, a chronic constipation can be due to a blockage or severe medical problem thus it need immediate attention because if left untreated, constipation may lead to septicemia and even death. The different reasons listed above are common factors behind temporary constipation and should not be cause for great alarm. In many instances, an effective laxative will stimulate the bowels and help pass stool. Once the cause of the temporary constipation is addressed, the issue really should be alleviated. However, when constipation is chronic or frequently occurs, more often than not, it is actually your diet causing the constipation. Dehydration would dry out stool and may lead to straining during bowel movements. In many cases, the blockage is a result of a fecal compaction that forms where the large intestines and rectum meet. The longer the blockage remains, the drier the stool will become and harder to evacuate.

The problem with constipation is that human waste is filled with toxins and harmful bacteria that need to be eradicated from the body system. If this is not done in timely manner, these harmful bacteria may be reabsorbed by the blood stream leading to a host of additional medical problems. If ever the blockage is not removed and normal bowel movements restored, then septicemia may result which has been regarded as fatal and is just a huge infection raging throughout the body.

While occasional constipation is quite normal and rarely causes medical problems, chronic constipation could be the consequence of a bigger medical problem. To prevent septicemia and other serious health issues that may arise as a result of the blockages that can cause chronic constipation, it may be sometimes necessary to use a constipation cure such as StayRegular. It is important not to be fooled by products selling stimulant laxatives as natural, safe solutions for constipation. Only use a science-based formula to stop constipation for it incorporates natural ingredients without resorting to stimulant laxatives.

Shawn Cunnigham is a freelance writer. She widely writes for health and wellness. She prides herself in discovering the best treatment for chronic constipation online. She agrees that the best chronic constipation cure are found at

Understanding the Underlying Causes of Chronic Constipation


Examine Home Remedies for Constipation - Get Rid of Constipation Fast a lot more

For some, constipation can be a serious malady. Constipation describes any irregular or non-existent bowel movements. For many years, people have believed that the normal frequency of bowel movements should be once per day - but this is not always the case. There is no pattern of bowel movements that fits everyone - each individual body has different needs. For some opeople, it may be normal to have a bwel movement 2-3 times per day - for others the normal pattern is 2-3 times per week.

So how do you know if you are constipated, or if your body is simply carrying on it's normal function? The signs of constipation include bloating, discomfort, and stools that are hard, dry, and lumpy and are usually hard to pass. For most of your life, you have probably been inundated with ads for laxatives. Laxatives, however, are not always the answer. These ads often refer to "once a day" as the norm for everyone - however, if your normal frequency is naturally less than this, you should not try to force your body to defecate more frequently.

The main risk with laxatives is that once you begin taking it once a day to force your body to defecate, your body can become dependent on the laxatives and your system will be more likely to get off-balance. So, you should check with your physician before beginning a regular regimen of laxatives - and you should also take into account, not only the frequency of your bowel movement, but also the factors listed above.

Home Remedies for Constipation

Before the world was filled with so many medications, people relieved the symptoms of constipation in more natural ways. Home remedies for constipation can include the following:

Aloe Vera juice - helps to heal and clean the digestive system when take twice a day. One of the best home remedies for constipation
Apple Pectin - brings fiber into the body which helps relieve constipation
Folic Acid - constipation can be caused by a lack of folic acid
Corn Syrup - add one tablespoon to 8 oz of water (one tablespoon can also be added to baby's bottle to relieve constipation)
Sugar - add extra sugar to a glass of milk and drink twice daily
Honey - add honey to a glass of milk and drink twice daily. One of the good home remedies for constipation
Lemon juice - drink with warm water 2-3 times daily
Triphala Churna - consists of the herbs Harre, Bahera, and Amla - ground into a powder and taken with warm water or milk at bedtime

Diet plays a very important part in the relief of constipation. Many home remedies for constipation involve adding certain foods to your diet or eating certain foods regularly to maintain regular bowel movements.

Foods to add to your diet include:

Liquids - dehydration is one of the most common causes of constipation
Fiber - 25-35 grams of fiber should be consumed daily. Some foods that are a good source of fiber include pinto beans, wheat bran cereal, banana, prunes, apples.
Fresh fruits - Fresh fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits such as apples, prunes, figs, and bananas help lessen the chance of constipation
Fresh vegetables - Fresh vegetables are also an important part of a healthy diet. Vegetable such as green vegetables, cabbage, peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes help lessen the chance of constipation

Foods to Avoid in Your Diet:

Dairy products - Many dairy products, such as cheese and milk can cause constipation in some people
Beans, cabbage, and cauliflower should be avoided by people who are prone to constipation
Fried foods should be avoided by people who are prone to constipation
Red meat can cause constipation
As with many illnesses, the onset or the symptoms themselves can be relieved by a healthy lifestyle - including a healthy diet and regular exercise. Not only does exercise keep your joints and muscles working properly, regular exercise also helps to keep your entire system working properly.


Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Home Remedies for Constipation at features Health Questions Q&A, Message Boards and Blogs where you can Ask, Answer and Earn Money! A great opportunity to get help from other people for free! Also featuring user submitted Home Remedies

Home Remedies for Constipation - Get Rid of Constipation Fast


Understand Constipation - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment! far more

Constipation - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment!

Constipation Cure

Constipation is a very common gastrointestinal disorder experienced by most people at some time during their lives. Left untreated, constipation affects nutrient absorption and long term stool formation issues.

Approximately 2-3 % of the population in particular, elderly people suffer from severe and recurrent constipation. If this is the case, then this needs to be taken up with your local doctor. They can provide advice on suitable lifestyle measures and may offer laxatives to restore bowel functionality. Constipation can give rise to some unpleasant and uncomfortable side effects such as haemorrhoids, tearing and ultimately damage to the anus.


Essentially, constipation is caused by large intestine absorbing excessive water from the stool or the bowel walls cannot contract fast enough to pass the stool and waste products fast enough. There are many cause(s) of constipation:

o Typically a low fiber and / or fluid intake are the most common causes of constipation
o Immobility due to a sedentary lifestyle or an individuals motivation levels
o Changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, aging and stress
o Irritable bowel syndrome
o Metabolic disorders- Hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hypercalcaemia and porphyrias
o Medications used for pain control, blood pressure, anti-depressants and iron supplements
o Ignoring the urge to defecate. Children often experience constipation as they hold back bowel movements or simply forget to go to the toilet.

It is rare for constipation to indicate a serious underlying condition such as colorectal cancer. Therefore, it is important that recurrent or severe cases of constipation are assessed by a doctor ASAP.


o Stomach pains and / or visible bloating
o Straining during defecation
o Sporadic passing of hard stools
o Nausea, headache and depression could be potentially linked to constipation

To assist in identifying the root cause your doctor normally asks a lot of questions pertaining to timing, stool features, diet any existing medical conditions. This will be followed by a physical examination of the abdomen, pelvis and rectum. These investigations are particularly important, especially if you're over 50, recently lost weight, have blood present in your stools or have a family history of colon cancer.


Treatment of constipation largely focuses on treating the underlying cause. You may consider several measures to help treat your problem. These may include:

o Eating a well-balanced diet incorporating plenty of fiber. A dietician will be able to assist Supplements such as Metamucil can have significant side effects such as cramping and gas.
o Drink plenty of fluids
o Regular and moderate exercise. A brisk walk for 30 minutes at least 3 to 4 times per week
o Responding to your body when it tells you it needs to defecate. Delaying can damage and weaken the bowel
o Addressing diseases or conditions that cause constipation

It goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. Employing these lifestyle measures may prevent constipation developing in the first place! If you have severe constipation and the above measures do not help, please don't hesitate to see your doctor. Prolonged use of laxatives can cause severe damage and lead to 'lazy bowel syndrome' where your bowel becomes reliant on them to function properly.

For more information and a FREE trial visit: [].

Read through Dangers of Constipation more

The Danger of Constipation is that if what goes in does not come out, the toxins will accumulate in the colon and throughout the bloodstream. The toxins literally poison the body. If the toxins don't get released from the body, sickness and disease can take over.

So how do you get constipation relief? There are many ways.

One way to get relief from constipation is by drinking 100% Distilled Aloe Vera. I recommend "George's 100% Distilled Aloe Vera".  You can get this at your local health store.

Another way to relieve constipation is everyone's favorite: to exercise. Exercise helps alleviate constipation because it stimulates the intestines... which helps one go to the bathroom.

A third way to get constipation relief is to add fiber to your diet. Apples (especially organic apples) are an awesome way to help constipation. You've heard the expression "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Well, this is probably the reason that saying is true. Since constipation can cause sickness... and apples alleviate constipation, there is no need to go to the doctor. 

There are also many other ways to get fiber into the diet. Many cereals have high fibers... a lot of vegetables (green beans and peas are excellent sources) have a lot of fiber in them... and beans are great sources of fiber. Also, psyllium is another way to get fiber into your diet. You can get this at your local health store. Make sure you are getting about 32 grams of fiber each day.

Whatever method you choose to get relief from constipation, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you get rid of the toxins that are poisoning your body... so you don't end up getting sick or worse, getting a serious disease.

Constipation is a web site that includes all natural cures that have been proven to work for problems such as cholesterol, yeast infections, coughs, ADHD, weight loss, warts, asthma, insomnia, smoking, snoring, stomach pain and more.

Dangers of Constipation


Understand Organic Juices For Constipation much more

Organic Juices For Constipation


Organic fresh made juices have cleansing and laxative action, which will help you eliminate constipation. Taken regularly they will help you have daily bowel movements.

Organic juices contain loads of mineral, bioflavonoids, vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Citric fruits have citric acid and the more tart they are the more acid they have.

Fresh juice is a fast way to get all types of nutrients into the blood quickly. As juice nutrients get into your blood, they suck out toxics and build up tissues. In your colon they destroy bad bacteria, feed wall tissue, pull out toxins, and have laxative action.

Even though juices provide helpful action throughout the body, it is best to limit their use and drink them in larger quantities only when trying to accomplish certain health benefits.

If you use natural foods with laxative effects, their laxative effect diminishes after long-term use.

If you have diabetes or adrenal fatigue, limit your use of fruits and juices when you first wake up in the morning. However, exercise in the morning will help you tolerate drinking some juices in the morning

When juicing fruits and vegetables, the more fiber that is left with the juice the better results you will get with your constipation.

It is always best to use fresh juices, but as a last resort using packaged juices will be better than not drinking anything.

Apples and Apple Juice

Apples are good for eliminating constipation because they are high in pectin, a soluble fiber, have many minerals, and contain sorbitol - a natural sugar, which stimulates peristaltic action. Pectin helps to detoxify the intestines and promote regular bowel movements.

The fiber in apples adds weight and bulk to your fecal matter and helps draw water from your colon into the fecal matter keeping the stool from becoming hard and thus preventing constipation.

Apples are one of best fruits to eat because they are high in minerals, which provide alkaline electrolytes to your body. What electrolytes do is neutralize acids that are created during illness, anxiety, anger, exercising, breathing pollution, and improper eating. Body acid is a major reason we get deadly diseases as we age

Make eating apples or drinking fresh apple juice a daily habit. They are also effective in liver and gallbladder problems.

Here's what to do.

Use crisp and hard apples such as granny smith, Fuji, or gala apples for juicing.

Drink three glass of apple juice during the day - morning, noon, and evening. In combination with drinking fresh apple juice, eat 3-4 apples each day to get fiber. The combination of eating and drinking apples juice will activate your colon to start moving stagnant matter.

One-day apple and apple juice fast

You can also do a one-day or two-day apple and apple juice fast by, eating 3-4 apples during the day. Drink apples juice every two hours. Don't eat anything until the next morning. Then, start changing your eating habits as listed in some of my other articles.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Juices for Constipation Go here for more free tips: Constipation Remedies

Read Natural Constipation Remedies extra

First, the Causes:

Nearly the entire human race is afflicted with constipation.  Waste matter is left entirely too long in the body.  Wrong diet is the main cause.  

Eating refined, devitalized foods that do not contain enough fiber or bulk; lack of muscular tone in the bowels; improper mastication of food; meat diet; too many varieties of food at one meal; eating food that is too concentrated; using coffee, tea, and liquor of all kinds; irregular habits of attending to the calls of nature; sedentary life and lack of exercise are other contributing factors to this almost universal ailment.

Constipation, diverticulosis, and cancer of the colon are all prevalent diseases in North America and European countries where the diet contains large amounts of refined foods and is low in bulk.

In Africa, where the diet contains large amounts of bulk, these diseases of the colon are rarely found. The life-giving properties that would aid digestion are removed from the foods we eat or are spoiled by improper cooking and wrong combinations.

Excessive use of drugs and patent medicines is a frequent cause of constipation, tumors, etc.

The Natural Treatment:

Regulate your diet.  Eat food dry so that you salivate more and will digest the food properly.  Don't drink anything during meals.  Do it an hour or two before your meals.

Medicinal Herbs

Casacara Sagrada:

This is one of the oldest, time-proven, and most reliable remedies for chronic constipation.  It is not habit forming and is also good with children.

"Side Effects"

It's good for gallstones and bile.  Good for liver problems.  It's also good before bed.


It relieves the stress caused by difficulty in bowel movements.

"Side Effects"

Relieves autointoxification that is caused by constipation and is the cause of many diseases.  


It is the finest colon cleanser known.  It should be used  in any case where a laxative is needed.  It's very healing and soothing to the stomach and the rest of the body.

"Side Effects"

It cleans morbid matter from the stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, and bladder.  Promotes menstruation when it is suppressed.

Constipation Cure
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Natural Constipation Remedies

Study Little Known Constipation Remedies That Work extra

Little Known Constipation Remedies That Work

Constipation Cure

Some home remedies for constipation are not as well-known as others. However, these remedies are quite effective and may even be more pleasant to tolerate than other home remedies for constipation you may already be aware of. The thing is, most doctors recommend you should try a home remedy for constipation rather than resort to over-the-counter products. So, it's beneficial to find a few different home remedies you can choose from.

Many people in the throes of constipation don't feel like eating or drinking anything more. If that's the case, you can try soaking in a warm tub of water. Since stress is one cause of constipation, a warm bath might do you a world of good. With stress, muscles become tight and that can hinder the natural action of the colon to pump out stool. By relaxing your muscles with the bath, that natural action in the colon can begin to work easier. Also, bathing is also known to help relieve bloating after eating because of gas, so even if you don't get immediate relief from constipation after a twenty minute bath, you should at least feel more comfortable.

Another thing you can try if you don't think you can tolerate eating or drinking "one more thing", is gently massaging your abdomen. It's best if you can lie flat and put a couple of peppermint oil drops on the lower part of your abdomen, then start rubbing the area gently in a clockwise motion with the palms of your hands. In case you didn't know, stools travel through the intestines in a clockwise direction so by following that direction with the movements of your palms you are helping to move stools along their natural path. This is not the type of massage where you want to push hard-rub gentle and only in a clockwise direction.

If you feel like you can drink something, one home remedy for constipation is to drink a strong cup of black coffee. Coffee is a stimulant and it will encourage the intestinal tract to "do its thing" and move stools along.

Water is also added to some folk's arsenal of home remedies for constipation. Water helps soften stools; it makes them wetter so that they move through the system easier. As much as one glass every ten minutes during a one hour period can be drunken if necessary.

If possible, eating applesauce, prunes or apples is a great home remedy for constipation. However, if you aren't enticed by the flavor of any of those, you might be pleasantly surprised to hear that eating strawberries or raspberries can also provide relief from constipation. These berries help balance the soluble fibers needed to make soft stools so they pass through the intestines easily.

If you are seeking more information about home remedies for constipation than visit this site;

Study Constipation - How To Cure It And Find Relief more

Constipation - How To Cure It And Find Relief

Constipation Cure

Constipation is one of the toughest, most embarrassing things that most of us have to go through at some point. Many even suffer from chronic constipation. It can be extremely frustrating to have trouble going, and the effect takes its toll on the rest of your day. Did you know that you can cure your constipation naturally without the use of laxatives or other drugs?

Constipation can be cured naturally by adjusting a few things in your life. Just by changing your diet a little, or your activities, you can cure your constipation and prevent it from returning. Here are a few tips that have helped me in the past to get rid of my constipation.

Water. Water is huge. Your body is made up of over 70% water. Water is essential in every function your body does. Most importantly though, water cleanses your body and removes toxins. This includes waste product. If you find yourself suffering from constipation, start drinking several glasses of water each and every day. This will help to get things moving.

Fiber is the next biggest thing when you can't go. Fiber helps keep things flowing in your digestive tract. If you find yourself suffering from chronic constipation, add fiber into your diet. Try eating bran cereals and more fruits and vegetables. A high-fiber diet will put your digestive tract on track for easy going.

Exercise is something many of us overlook in our busy days. People think exercise is what makes you really strong and really athletic, but exercise is important for many other things. Exercise helps strengthen the every day functions of our bodies like digestion. Getting outside and getting some regular exercise will help to regulate your digestive system.

If you would like to learn some more great tips on how to cure constipation and prevent your chronic constipation from returning, visit the website below.

Go through Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation a lot more

Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation

Constipation Cure

Constipation Cure

Constipation, why do we get constipated, and what can we do about it?  Constipation is an all too common digestive complaint, with symptoms of course, of the inability to have a bowel movement or having to strain to pass stools that are dry and hard. Most people normally have a bowel movement from a couple of time a day to a couple of times a week. If you are less frequent than this or find you have difficulty having a bowel movement and if you pass dry hard stools than you very well may be constipated.

Constipation effects nearly everyone at one time or another, with over 5 million people suffering from chronic or severe constipation. Constipation can have many causes, including, insufficient water intake, lack of exercise, poor diet, ignoring the urge to go, some medications and/or supplements can cause constipation, changes in your life or routine, surgeries, pregnancy, stress, hormonal disorders, and some conditions that can effect the central nervous system, colon, bowels, rectum, or digestive tract.

Constipation tends to be more common as we age, and in women more than men. Whether you are irregular infrequently or suffer from chronic or severe constipation, you may get relief through simply making a few lifestyle changes (visit my site for the specifics.) There are many all natural herbs that can help you find relief from your constipation, such as, licorice, Aloe Vera, garlic, caffeine, and many others. Visit my site for a complete list. Some vitamins and supplements can also prove helpful in relieving and sometimes virtually eliminating constipation (MSM- taken to help joint function can provide lasting relief from constipation.) If you suffer from constipation, be aware there are many very effective, all natural, homeopathic, remedies and cures, that will offer quick and lasting relief with a much less chance of dependence than OTC (over the counter) alternatives!     

If you need to fine relief from constipation, please visit my page devoted to this condition at

Or visit my main site at Natural Home Remedies And Cures