Read Natural Constipation Remedies extra

First, the Causes:

Nearly the entire human race is afflicted with constipation.  Waste matter is left entirely too long in the body.  Wrong diet is the main cause.  

Eating refined, devitalized foods that do not contain enough fiber or bulk; lack of muscular tone in the bowels; improper mastication of food; meat diet; too many varieties of food at one meal; eating food that is too concentrated; using coffee, tea, and liquor of all kinds; irregular habits of attending to the calls of nature; sedentary life and lack of exercise are other contributing factors to this almost universal ailment.

Constipation, diverticulosis, and cancer of the colon are all prevalent diseases in North America and European countries where the diet contains large amounts of refined foods and is low in bulk.

In Africa, where the diet contains large amounts of bulk, these diseases of the colon are rarely found. The life-giving properties that would aid digestion are removed from the foods we eat or are spoiled by improper cooking and wrong combinations.

Excessive use of drugs and patent medicines is a frequent cause of constipation, tumors, etc.

The Natural Treatment:

Regulate your diet.  Eat food dry so that you salivate more and will digest the food properly.  Don't drink anything during meals.  Do it an hour or two before your meals.

Medicinal Herbs

Casacara Sagrada:

This is one of the oldest, time-proven, and most reliable remedies for chronic constipation.  It is not habit forming and is also good with children.

"Side Effects"

It's good for gallstones and bile.  Good for liver problems.  It's also good before bed.


It relieves the stress caused by difficulty in bowel movements.

"Side Effects"

Relieves autointoxification that is caused by constipation and is the cause of many diseases.  


It is the finest colon cleanser known.  It should be used  in any case where a laxative is needed.  It's very healing and soothing to the stomach and the rest of the body.

"Side Effects"

It cleans morbid matter from the stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, and bladder.  Promotes menstruation when it is suppressed.

Constipation Cure
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Natural Constipation Remedies