Study Understanding the Underlying Causes of Chronic Constipation much more

Constipation is considered as one of the most common medical condition experienced by people but remains one of the least treated problems. Much of this is due to the relative frequency of constipation and the fact that symptoms tend to be relatively minor and limited to infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stool.

The consequences of constipation are relatively minor and can be easily corrected when the cause is one of the following: traveling, recent change in diet, dehydration, reaction to new medication, or missing or withholding a bowel movement. But, a chronic constipation can be due to a blockage or severe medical problem thus it need immediate attention because if left untreated, constipation may lead to septicemia and even death. The different reasons listed above are common factors behind temporary constipation and should not be cause for great alarm. In many instances, an effective laxative will stimulate the bowels and help pass stool. Once the cause of the temporary constipation is addressed, the issue really should be alleviated. However, when constipation is chronic or frequently occurs, more often than not, it is actually your diet causing the constipation. Dehydration would dry out stool and may lead to straining during bowel movements. In many cases, the blockage is a result of a fecal compaction that forms where the large intestines and rectum meet. The longer the blockage remains, the drier the stool will become and harder to evacuate.

The problem with constipation is that human waste is filled with toxins and harmful bacteria that need to be eradicated from the body system. If this is not done in timely manner, these harmful bacteria may be reabsorbed by the blood stream leading to a host of additional medical problems. If ever the blockage is not removed and normal bowel movements restored, then septicemia may result which has been regarded as fatal and is just a huge infection raging throughout the body.

While occasional constipation is quite normal and rarely causes medical problems, chronic constipation could be the consequence of a bigger medical problem. To prevent septicemia and other serious health issues that may arise as a result of the blockages that can cause chronic constipation, it may be sometimes necessary to use a constipation cure such as StayRegular. It is important not to be fooled by products selling stimulant laxatives as natural, safe solutions for constipation. Only use a science-based formula to stop constipation for it incorporates natural ingredients without resorting to stimulant laxatives.

Shawn Cunnigham is a freelance writer. She widely writes for health and wellness. She prides herself in discovering the best treatment for chronic constipation online. She agrees that the best chronic constipation cure are found at

Understanding the Underlying Causes of Chronic Constipation
