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Constipation is man's most common chronic digestive condition. One person in 6 complains of it. Surveys show that 6% of children are reported to be constipated with boys the main victims. This trend is reversed in adults and women are far more likely to suffer from this problem than men. As we grow older the differences even out and constipation is common in the elderly of both sexes. There are three basic descriptions given by people who suffer from this uncomfortable condition. They complain about the stools being too hard, too large or too small. They say they have to strain and push when passing a stool and that they don't feel the need to go as often as they think they should. It is said to be normal to have a bowel movement daily, usually first thing in the morning within half an our of getting out of bed. The call of nature is normally felt and answered effortlessly, painlessly and with a great sense of a job well done when it is all over. People who suffer from constipation often complain of other symptoms as well. These include headaches, tiredness or lack of energy, difficulty in concentrating, coating of the tongue, bloating of the abdomen, loss of appetite, wind, skin problems and bad breath. If there is tension in the connective tissue around the gut then the bowel doesn't function properly. Bowel movements are reduced and the passage of waste products slows down through the bowel. This makes the passing of stools less frequent. Water is reabsorbed in the gut and the longer the stool stays in the bowel the drier it becomes and the more difficult and painful it is to pass. Poor diet, insufficient roughage, too little fluid drunk, too much stress and tension and lack of exercise can cause constipation.


Increase in tension in the gut can cause a baby to be constipated (see Constipation). Unlike adults a baby who is constipated can still have a soft stool but may have great difficult in passing it. Sometimes they can strain for several hours before passing a sloppy stool. No two babies are alike but it is more usual for there to be at least one dirty nappy a day, however if the stools are hard dry or painful to pass its a sign of constipation.


A short programme of treatment with Connective Tissue Manipulation reduces the tension in the connective tissue and helps to restore the normal function to the gut.

In adults a balanced programme of treatment including Connective Tissue Manipulation and Manual Lymph Drainage reduces the tension in the connective tissue and helps to restore the normal function to the gut.


Jacqueline is one of a few UK Physiotherapists combining Connective Tissue Manipulation, Manual Lymph Drainage, the MacKenzie Exercise Regime and Cranio-sacral Therapy in private practice. During the past four years she has successfully treated over 1,000 patients with spinal problems and a further 1,300 patients with other muscular skeletal problems in her Gillingham Physio Centre in Dorset. In order to offer her specialist techniques to a greater number of patients she started the London Physio Centre at 148 Harley Street. A Chartered and State Registered Physiotherapist, Jacqueline qualified at St Thomas's Hospital, London with additional emphasis in the treatment of backs and necks. She spent five years at the Leicester Royal Infirmary gaining experience in all branches of physiotherapy and became Senior Physiotherapist on the Medical Unit. In 1977 she created a private practice at the Leicester Clinic, eventually covering all orthopaedic, spinal and post-op physiotherapy.

Treatment of Constipation in Adults and Babies
